part 2

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(If I get anything wrong then I'm sorry, haven't seen the show in a while and just going off of memory and chrome summery)

Nightmare felt as though he had been falling forever only to jolt awake on what he assumed was a giant tree. He slowly got up only to be met with extreme pain in his shoulder.

'Shit, so that wasn't a dream..' Nightmare thought 'but then how am I still alive-'. His thoughts were cut short by what sounded like a fight.

He was able to use his tenticals to move from tree to tree only to see what he believed was two giants, a female without skin and a male with skin, fighting. It seemed as though the male wasn't doing so good. He was also able to sense two smaller people coming closer to the fight.

He sat on a branch near the fight for a while. However, after seeing the female giant take the males head off, and noticing a human was inside the male, was when nightmare decided to intervene. He launched himself off the branch and landed next to the kid and sent his tenticals into the female giants eyes causing her to scream. He took this time to grab the kid and get high up in a nearby tree and hide.

The two humans, who were originally coming to the fight, appeared in front of him. Next thing nightmare knew, a blade was held in front of his face by a man who looked to be in his late 20's early 30's with a female who looked to be a teenager.

"Who and what are you" said the man with a calm expression while the female looked mad but also relieved.

"My name is nightmare and what I am is none of your concern at the moment, the thing I would be worried about at the moment is your giant friend down there" whispered nightmare while still holding the kid, and that's where they stayed till the giant lady had left.

"Now I have some questions for you now, who are you people, what was that thing, and what is going on" nightmare said raising his voice some on the last question.

"My name is Levi Ackerman, this is mikasa, and the one you are holding is eren. That thing you just saw was a titan" Levi said calmly, "more will be explained later but right now I will need you to come with me"

"And if I refuse" nightmare questioned.

"You don't seem to have a choice, by the looks of your injury there, if you don't get medical help soon then you would likely pass out from loss of blood and I'm sure you don't want to do that in a place like this" Levi stated while putting his blade back in its place on his side.

Nightmare realised that what Levi said was true and that it wouldn't help at all if he didn't eat or drink something soon.

"...Fine, but if this is a trap, I will not hesitate to attack" nightmare stated with a slight venom.

With that, they started to go to where the rest of the scouts were with Levi carrying nightmare and mikasa carrying eren.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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