[ Genshin Impact Oc ]; " Greetings, Dear Travler. "

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Full name: " So you must be the famous
other worldly Traveler I've heard so much about. Pleasure to meet you,, I'm Ishiro Yoshiri. " [ Ishiro Yoshiri. ]

Nickname: " Nicknames?.. None that I'm aware of, but I don't mind you giving me one Traveler. " [ None at the moment. Though he doesn't mind them. ]

Age: " Don't you know it's rude to ask someone their age Dear Traveler?. Well never mind then, might as well answer since you already asked, I'm currently twenty two. " [ 22. ]

Birthday: " My birthday?.. why would you want to ask a question such as that Traveler?. Well, it's October second. " [ October 2nd. ]

Gender: " I know I have long hair Traveler but please do not get me confused, I am in fact a male. " [ Male. ]

Sexual and Romatic Orientations: " ??.. I feel I have no need to answer that question Dear Traveler. " [ Homoromantic, & Homosexual. ]

Place of birth: " I was born in Mondstadt. " [ Mondstadt. ]

Place of residency: " I currently reside in Liyue as you can see. " [ Liyue. ]

Looks: [ Art made by me! :D ]

Species: " Human of course, what else would I be? " [ Human

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Species: " Human of course, what else would I be? " [ Human. ]

Vison: " Dendro. " [ Dendro. ]

Weapon: " I use a Polearm. "  [ The Primordial Jade Winged-Spear to be specific. ]

Positive personality traits: [ Ishiro tends to be very polite and patient. He's very mannerly and prides himself in being very put together, you can almost never find him not wearing a gentle smile or helping around town when he can. Ishiro is also very put together and extremely neat and tidy, nothing that belongs to him is ever out of place or dirty. He also has a soft spot for kids and often travels all the way to Mondstadt to help take care of Klee when he's not busy taking care of his shop. He's also very good at multitasking, due to having his own shop- it being a very busy on at that. Ishiro is often zooming around taking care of customers and doing ten other things at the same time, whilst barely breaking a sweat. It's rather impressive but Ishiro doesn't think of it as anything special due to him multitasking ever since he was young. ]

Negative personality traits: " When I'm angry I admittedly get a little out of control. " [ Ishiro is extremely slow to anger, but once you've angered him,, there is no greater being that can save you. Ishiro calm and collect exterior gets completely shattered when he losses his cool, its almost like he's a completely different person. He shouts yells and can even go as far as to throw things at the person he's mad at, that's why Ishiro tends to avoid people that annoy him. Ishiro also tends to put others over himself a lot to the point where he neglects his own needs sometimes, he could be on his death bed and he's still stress about who's going to babysit Klee next week. He also can be very petty to people who have done him wrong in the past, if you do anything to harm him or his Café you best believe he'll remember it ten years later,, he can and will hold a grudge. ]

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