You're Pregnant

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You wake up to a loud banging sound in your kitchen, Ashton is not in your bed next to you like thought he should be. You go down stairs to see what on earth he could be doing. It was 9am, the morning after your big graduation party and you are exhausted. He had surprised you by inviting all of your friends over for a big party and frankly it was amazing, you haven't had that much fun since he let you join him on tour a few summers ago. 

You walk into the kitchen to find a frazzled Ashton running around the kitchen in just his underwear holding a garbage bag throwing away anything in his sight. 

"Baby, what are you doing? It's 9 in the morning; can't we clean later? Lets go back to bed." You say not realizing he hasn't seen you yet. He jumped so high you tried not to laugh. 

"Sweetie, I'm sorry. I tried not to wake you. My parents called, they are coming for dinner. I have it under control don't worry..." He only got that far into trying to calm you down when you quickly run to the bathroom to throw up. You close the door hoping he won't follow you, even though you know it won't work.

"It's fine, Ash. I'm fine, just a hangover that's all really." Except that was a lie because you have been feeling sick every morning for about a week now. You haven't told Ashton about it yet because you didn't want to worry him. You were hoping it would just be the flu or something but your period was supposed to come two days ago and it hasn't yet. You would take a test tonight, just to be sure.

"Okay, I will get you some pain medicine and make you some soup just in case. Go sit on the couch. I've cleaned the living room already; put a movie in and rest, I'll figure dinner out, don't you worry." He was always so positive about everything. 

"Thank you baby. I love you." You went and put Clueless in, one of your favorite movies. 

You suddenly feel someone rubbing your back; you must've fallen asleep. Looking at the clock you realize that 5 hours have gone by and Ashton's parents will be here soon.

"Baby, wake up. Come on, time to get dress and ready for dinner. I made chicken and pasta, your favorite. Now go get dressed before my parents arrive." He whispers in your ear ever so softly. You get off the couch feeling faint and remember what you told yourself earlier. 

You go into the bathroom and see that you have yet to get your period. You grab the pregnancy test you bought out of your make up bag and take it, waiting the appropriate amount of time. You start shaking uncontrollably, thinking about how everything will change the moment you look at this little plastic stick. This little plastic stick holds the answer to what your future will be, and you are so terrified. 


The bold red letters pierce your eyes. You fall to the floor in a flood of tears, possibly joy possibly panic-stricken. You are full of anxiety and immediately think what will Ash say. You sit on the floor in a ball of tears cradling the pee covered test for at least a half an hour before you hear Ashton yell for you. You don't answer. You don't know what to say. You can't have this dinner. You can't play like nothing is wrong. You should never have taken that test.

A billion thought are running through your mind when suddenly Ashton walks into the bathroom to see you. A mess sprawled across the bathroom floor, crying your eyes out holding a pregnancy test.

"y/n! What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" He knelt down beside you and that is when he noticed the test in your hand. "What is that? Thats not, its not. It can't be."

"Its positive, Ash." You mutter between sobs. He hugs you close to his heart. Letting you cry into him.

"Oh y/n! We are going to have a baby. Oh my God. This is so unexpected but can you imagine a tiny little us running around." He didn't seem too upset; or upset at all for that matter.

"Wait. You're not mad?" You've stopped crying. You're sitting in Ashton's lap on your bathroom floor still holding your pregnancy test.

"Why would I be mad?" He sorta laughs. "It's not like it's really your fault. If anything it's my fault since I'm the one that wanted to give up condoms. Come on babe! This is great news, I love you and I would love to be the father to your beautiful babies. There is no one else I would rather carry on my genes with. I love you and I want to experience life with you. This is apart of life, a big part actually. This is life; and frankly i couldn't imagine going through this with anyone else. Now here I am going to call my parents and tell them we need to reschedule and we can have a chill night, sound good?"

"I love you so much, you will be the best daddy ever." You tell him kissing him and knowing then that it will be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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You're Pregnant-Ashton Irwin ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now