Meet Madeline May O' Connor, she is just a 12 year old kid living with her neglective abusive foster parents 'The Andersons'. The only kept the girl all because of one thing, money, you see, the young girl had a gift for acting, she was like a diff...
I was gonna be doing another chapter in this book I had it all in my head on what to do for it but unfortunately on the 22nd me and my mums dog started having this seizure, I scooped her up into my arms and ran to a friend who owned 7 rescue dogs, she did a first aid check and we rushed off to an emergency vets. They did the treatment and all but she didn't seem to pull through, if anything she just got worse, anyway, my baby girl ended up brain damaged from the seizure and had to be put to sleep.
I am absolutely heartbroken as I've lost my bestest friend in the whole wide world, she was my everything, we had such a good, special bond. I feel like I'm living now with only half a heart, I'm not dead so I really must be half alive. So the last thing on my mind now is updating this book, I will do it but it's gonna be a while I thinks.
I just, I'm going through some serious grieving and right now I don't know how I'm gonna get through this, she was basically my reason for living, now she's gone Ive gotta fight so hard, the demons who were gone are all now back trying to knock me down again, I've got guilt filling my head as it was me who was responsible for her, my mum had let me have her for a few days and this goes and happens.
People are telling me I did all I could but I don't know, I just feel like I failed her, I've been crying since I got to my mates with her in my arms, to think when she looked at me in the car when she was in my arms, that was her saving goodbye before she went brain dead, she was alive but gone. Life really does suck, she was healthy, never had anything wrong with her in her life and the one time she has a seizure she dies from it 😭😭
Rest in peace my beautiful little angel, ill love you forever and always ❤️
24/FEB/2016 - 23/Apr/2022
Gone but never forgotten
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