mkyasasky was sittung on the cougch on tda liveng rumm when pieieieoyro wakled in fieling horrny
masysksy: hye piro whyta usp??
pyo intaruspted him buy pninng him to da cougch
maksyasky: pyror w-what the fricdck arye yuo dning?!
piriro: oh nothintg
hje sidadd iwiwht a smeiekrek
mayaskay: pruo donstnst do it
puior: to2 layet
befor myasaky were abel to spik pyroe shursrt him up bywert ksisintg himgngnm hrard
mayskasy: *sus noices*
piiiro stpoped and pudlduled away
prto: r u sur u wanta do tuits? ill wnotnt do ti itf you dontfd weant otme to do
maykasy: no ill doit
prtetoet: u sarure?
maky: ye sk
pyyroert: ok den.
*moaning noices*
the end
m(y ass)ky x p(ie)yro fnafucktion
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