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"Thank you for the visit ma'am . Here is your exchange " taehyung said with a smile handing the balance to the lady .

She returned the smile. " visit again , merry Christmas "

And she left after returning the wishes . Taehyung sighed. It's evening. The first day of being cashier was a good start for him . As Junghyun doesn't disturbed him much . The little bean was sleeping most of the time . Near the counter Jimin fixed a double seat sofa just for Taehyung. The brunette was thankful to the Cafe owner as he don't have to carry him all the time. He breastfed the baby time to time . He had a lunch with Jimin . And he worked his ass best . With a fake smile he greeted every costumer . And he is glad that no one gonna notice the sadness behind the mask of his fake boxy smile.

Snowfall isn't there anymore . But still it is chilling outside. Taehyung has the shift of 6 hours . As the sky become darker in shade . He is settling everything before leaving. His little munchkin is wide awake . Staring at ceiling with his big doe eyes . The brown hair boy make his little one cover with more clothes . After wearing his coat he carried Junghyun in his carrier bag. It feels good to always stick his baby with him . This gives him warmth in this chilling winter . After doing the things he stepped out of cafe .

The snow isn't there anymore. Sky is clear with some stars . He stared at sky with a calm expression on his face . His love is with him . He is watching him . supporting him silently . Beomseok is always there for him . A pleasant small smile stick on his lips . Closing his eyes he tried to feel the wind . He headed towards the beach .

The shore is empty as it's chilly . But it's good for taehyung. He wants to be alone. He sat near the shore . The sea waves are touching his feets . Shivers going through his spine when the cold water touches his feet . Firstly he jumped to stop it but then it started to calm him . So he let it be . The stars are shining more now . As it becomes more darker . Without any worries brunette sits there . Silence of night engulfed him . After staying numb for good 40 minutes approx.

" everything gonna alright hyunie "
"Your momma gonna love you double "
" love you double once from eomma, twice from appa "
He patted his little prince, who is busy blabbering and little giggling , his little fists bumping with latter's face . Taehyung smiled at his blabbering. As he closed his eyes, hugging the cutie which is attached to his chest , until he heard little giggles.

Then he saw little girl toddlers playing with sand. They are few meters far from brunette. But as it is dark he can't able to see their face . Their standing a big shadow near them. From far he can see that the shadow is staring his side .

" Dada Aera is eating this dirty sand again "
He heard a little voice.
Then the shadow moved and picked up the little girl .
" Did my Aera baby want some big big worms in his tummy !! Huh !! "
it's deep manly voice this time . Taehyung is just watching them silently as he found this cute . The little girl shook her head side to side .

" nuh nuh !! Dada nuh big worms nuhh"

" but if my little princess gonna eat this dirty dirty sand then she get big big worms in her little tum tum " the man bumped his head in little girls stomach.
She started giggling.
" Aera nuhh sand , dwirty sand "
" yeah my baby "
The man then hold the hand of other girl .
" let's go queens , it's pretty dark now "
" Aera qwueen , unnie qwueen "
He heard some mixed giggles . The brunette got too engrossed in this little act happening in front of his eyes , that he didn't notice that it's late now .

He quickly stand patting his clothes to get rid of sand. The shadows of little girls and their Dada is coming his side. Then they passed by him . They are going on the same way taehyung goes . He saw how little girls are involved in cute conversation with their father . This makes his heart aches .

There is still pain . He want him . He want beomseok . He need him in this parenting. He wants him for his baby . His insecurities are too much . He thinks he can't be able to raise up a child alone . One time he feel strong , and next second he feel like a weak sick person who can't able to do anything.

He started walking with his heavy heart . Hyunie is still talking in gibberish. His chin and lip area is covered with his own saliva. As he keep blabbering and bumping his hands on his mother's face . It's look like he is comforting his mother .

Taehyung got attacked by a little fluff ball . The second he opened the door of his apartment tannie latched on his feet . It was a big day . He knows in new house tannie is not comfortable but there is no other options . He locked the door . Undid the carrier bag , putting hyunie on couch , he patted his dog .

" did tannie missed us !! " he said in a comforting voice patting the furry animal .

He gave the dog food to the fluff ball . Then took a bath . He made bath for his little bean then fed him . After making a little supper for his ownself . He ate . And now laying on the bed with hyunie.

The little boy is latching on one of his nipple . A little sleepy . Taehyung pats his bum slowly. Everything is good . A warm bed , his baby on his side . He just wanted the other side bed to be filled with the boy he love . But this not gonna happen. Someone who is dead can't come back . He sighs deeply. Grabbing hyun to lay him on his shoulder then make him burp . He lays on bed with the little boy on his chest . Closing his eyes . Going to a deep slumber .

" there are little hopes that everything gonna alright "


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