This is Sin City

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Hermione silently watched Theodore leave the hospital, hiding behind walls as she watched him go.

When he apparated away, she saw Gertrude and another attending nurse - she also knew from college, talking in hushed tones.

“This really sucks,” Gertrude said. “She finally gets a guy and this happens.”

“And you know that guy, he was really, really, really cute.”

“Cute? Did you see the sex appeal on him?”

“Believe me, every woman in here did.”

Gertrude sighed. “I can't believe she didn't tell me about him. I could tell he really liked her too.”

Hermione's head shot up, her eyes wide.

What did she say?

“Leave it Hermione to keep a guy like that secret.”

“A shame she went through her whole life without ever really knowing what it was about.”

Hermione stumbled.

“it's just so unfair, Gertrude. Why, when she finally gets a life, is somewhat happy, that damned truck hits her?”

Hermione felt stark naked in front of them. Talking about her as if she weren't there.

Talking as if she were already dead.

That there was no hope for her.

The feeling of tears pricked at her eyes as she walked away from the pair.

But she knew she couldn't cry. Not physically at least.

Her veil of anguish was lifted when she two very familiar faces racing through the hallways.

Her nieces.

“Georgia! Maddy!” She ran after them. “Godric, you guys got so big!”

She followed them into the room, where they were tugging on her arms. Arguing about who got there first.

Hermione lifted her hands and frowned. “Why could I feel him and not you guys?”

Sin then, walked into the room. Her best friend in the entire world, in his usual sweatpants and shirt.

She always thought his jet-black skin made his blue eyes look hypnotic.

“No, stop that!” He raised his bouquet of roses threateningly. “Do not fondle with your aunt.”

Georgia stuck her tongue out at him.


The children instead of being frightened, or slightly apprehensive, cheered and shouted.

A long-suffering look passed over Sin's face.

“Sin-oritá!” Hermione jumped in front of Sin. “It's me! I'm here!”

Sin did not pay her any attention as he went over to his kids and gently patted them on the buttocks with the flowers. “We do not pull out wires from Aunt Hermione's body.” He chided, putting the cannula back into Hermione, wiping away the two droplets that leaked with expert care.

It was obvious this had happened before.

“I thought I said no running, no screaming.” He put his hands on his hips in why was supposed to be an imposing stance, but his children only giggled.

Sin's eyes softened.

“Now show your cards to Aunty Hermione and put them on the windowsill, we don't have much time today kids.”

“Aw.” They said gloomily, climbing on the bed and showing Hermione their... Artful portraits of her.

Hermione smiled down at them. Wishing she could hug them and tell them how good their cards were.

“Mister Lynn?” A man in a doctor's coat called out.

“What?” Sin let out an irritated sigh.

“Hi— I'm doctor Fyder. Mind if I have a word with you?”

“Yes.” Sin snapped. Hermione made a mental note to tell him to dial down the sleeping pills when she woke up.

“It—It's um, important, sir.”


“Um...” He glanced at the kids laying on Hermione, clinging to her with all their tiny might - then continued with a hushed tone. “First of all, I'd like to say how much we all miss, Hermione - she's been here quite a few times. Be it for a splinched arm or — just a simple stab wound.

“And especially because our head of staff was so close to her - we have taken extraordinary measures to keep her comfortable these past months—”

“Maddy! Turn it back!” Sin shouted at the blushing girl who stuck out her tongue and switched the heart monitor back on after Sin sent her a warning glare.

“Continue.” Sin said sharply at doctor Fyder who looked petrified. “Um... I'm — This is hard to say, er, when patients come here... They are asked to sign release forms. Did you know Hermione's opinion on artificially prolonging life?”


“She was against it.”

Hermione let out a disheartened grunt, “Okay that was before please, I'm all for it now — I always thought I was going to die on the job I never thought—”

“Honestly, most patients feel that way.” The doctor said.

“I know, but there is still some brain activity isn't there?”

“Yes but... Chances of her waking up after all this time are less than infinitesimal.”


“We were just looking for the stick.”

What stick?”

“The one you said she's got up her—”

“That is enough.” He said gruffly, hands on his hips, he jerked his head towards the door. “Go.

The children huffed but went out of the room, kissing Hermione on the cheeks before they left.

Sin gave her a tight hug too, whispering, “You better wake up asshole or I'll hide a snake in your casket.” Before he followed.

What were you saying?” Sin said to the doctor as he rubbed his hands over his tired face.

“Er...” Doctor Fyder squeaked. Sin wasn't very tall. But he made up for it in mass.

The amount of bulging muscles he had could only belong to a single, working dad.

“W— er, even with the release forms - due to Hermione's hold on the Hospitals staff we won't take any terminal action without your explicit consent. Now I've prepared this paperwork—”

“Sin do not sign that, I'm right here I— I swear to Merlin I will haunt your ass so hard.”

“—and if you—”

“I'll think about it.” Sin clenched his jaw as he snatched the paperwork out of doctor Fyder's hands.

“But do not feel any pressure—”

I said.” Sin's glower could've burned doctor Fyder to ashes as he said. “I'll think about it.

“No, no, no, no, no Sin, you know how much I love you - and your stupid awful guitar, I swear to Merlin I'll babysit more and i—” Hermione rushed after Sin. “—I swear I'll stop playing the Bee Gee's around you I promise and I—”

Hermione must've made a thousand promises.

Every one of them Sin would've jumped at if he had heard her.

But he didn't.

Like no one else in the hospital did.

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