9th letter

53 2 0

20th April 2022,

Dear Diamond,

I hate to see her stand and eat her lunch while I sit, in her place. It pains me. But she always says she doesn't have any problem. Why can't she just say- 'Bring another chair, sis'? I die in guilt everyday. And I- the freaking shy girl- can't open my mouth and say- 'Don't trouble yourself, sit'.

As fate would have it, she read the letters. And now she knows I like her. Maybe she didn't take it seriously. 'Cause her expression wasn't natural.

I'm getting jealous again. Oh my. I can't help it. I can't see my ex-best friend sitting with her, so close. I just can't. I want to tear them both apart. And this desire is killing me.

Your admirer,


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