Jean x F!Reader

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TW: Gore, unhealthy behavior

"I swear by my sword!"

Jean was sitting at her desk, waiting.

For what? Well her girlfriend was out on a mission, she presumes she's just taking down hilichurl camps, but what if you get hurt?

Her thoughts were loud and sweat ran down her face. She sighed and calmed down, the woman stood up and walked out of HQ.

"I'll just go check on her," She looked back at HQ, "quickly." She speed-walked out of Monstadt.

Heading to whatever it was called.

She stopped when she heard talking, it sounded like Lumine's voice.

And she sounded to be in pain.


There she was... Her voice sounded like it was straining though.

Jean ran to the sounds and saw red...

The red liquid was flowing down Y/n's arm and stomach.

Jean's eyes darted down and saw Lumine sitting up holding her right arm. Lumine has a cut on her arm and it was pushing blood out, her skin was peeled around the edges as well.

Y/n was still standing with her sword in hand.

Jean immediately came to her senses and out of her shock.

"I swear by my sword!"

Jean's sword was launched into the abyss mage. I swear! Your not weak or anything, it's just a problem, your level 70 and that stupid bug was level 80 why were you fighting something ten levels above you? Idk.

Jean turned around, the two girls were already healing, blood stopped coming out of Lumine's scrape but you were still a little bloody.

Jean ran over to her partner, she knew Lumine could handle herself, and obviously you were more important right now.

You were still bleeding...

Jean quickly did anything she could to help you.

She picked you up after your bleeding stopped, she smiled as she felt you grab her shirt, bunching it up in your hand.

"You'll be okay, love."

Her heart fluttered as she said that, she's never done things like this before.

But it felt she just got a rush.

"I know... I can walk, you know?" She laughed and put you down, looking back to Lumine, she was standing up.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I couldn't knock it down."

You waved her off, "It's fine, It's not like I could protect you either... Heh!"

You both shared a laugh and Jean took you back to HQ along with Lumine.

"Next time I'm coming with you."


Time Skip/Next day

You had another mission, you planned on going with Lumine, yes, Lumine.

That was until you found out that Jean was not joking. She had someone fill in for her and she was now walking with you.

"Where do you think Lumine is?" You sense a kind a tense feeling coming from her.

"I-I don't know..."

Why was she lying?

She stuttered and her voice sounded off. You guys made it past the bridge and you finally got courage to say:

"Are you lying to me?"

It's a test, if she lies again then something's wrong, if she doesn't then maybe she's still in shock from the gory scene the other day.

"No," Her voice trailed off...

"Your lying to me!" You took a step back, then thought back;

The last time you saw Lumine was when you and her were fighting that small blue creature.

You gasped and put your hands on your mouth, "Did you...?"

She had been acting weird but you thought maybe it was that time of month or something.


Her voice was low and her bangs covered her eyes, "I swear to you!" Her eyes were now visible and they were tinted pink and looked like they had hearts in them.

Your eyes widened as she hugged you, it was like she was grabbed you but in a lovey way.

"I'll protect you forever!" She faced you and leaned in, she was crazy!

"Grand Master Jean!"

Someone was coming, you were saved!

It was Amber!

"Amber!" Jean covered your mouth to prevent you from saying something you would regret.

"Woah! Looks like I came at the wrong time."

Jean was still close to you, and with you blushing it looked like she just interrupted something.

"N-" She waved and started to back up, making a kissy face, in a teasing manner.

Your heart sank, she left...

Jean looked back at you, "I need you, you must understand this." She let you go and walked off, carrying on with your mission.

She didn't even look back.

You had a choice...

Follow her and possibly fall into her trap.

Or make her mad an possibly face the consequences.

You followed, perhaps she could knock her out and run back to Monstadt, possibly alert someone and get help.

Jean heard your foot steps and chuckled to herself.

"I swear by my sword!"