Kaeya x GN!Reader

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"Come out~"

In the basement of an abandoned high school, two high schoolers lingered. Though one wasn't there by choice.

The room was dimly lit and you could hardly see, you got up from the bed you woke in. Scanning the room while squinting, "Where did he go?" You remember that Kaeya knocked you out after you saw him standing over a body. Your guessing he kidnapped you.

"Pff. Whatever, mmm, not scarred of him." You opened the door and saw a grand staircase, "Hah." You started to walk towards.

Only stopping when you heard a deep, smooth voice, "Where are you going?" Arms wrapped around you waist, "Aww, you look so cute!" He cooed at you and leaned down, resting his head in the crook of your neck.

You tried to pry his arms off but he held onto you tighter, "Hey! Let me go-"

"No." He glared at you, you felt one of his arms trail up your body, stopping at your chest before bringing his hand up to your face, squishing your cheeks. "Heh~"

He smirked at you and released you. You stumbled toward when he pushed you, turning around you saw him walk back to his chair, it looked out of place in the run-down basement, he took out a glass and dipped from it, "Are you even old enough to have wine?-" He chuckled.

"You can go up. But I guarantee you will not make it far before I find you.." He paused, looking up at you, "Let's play a game. If you hide for a full 24 hours, I will grant you your freedom, but if I find you..." He laughed like a psychopath.

You crossed your arms, "Prepare to loose."

Running up the stairs, you looked for a door, an exit, a window, anything. When you found a door you jiggled the knob, it was locked.

The window next to it had a crack in it but you could make it work, placing your hands on it, you found that a glass shard was jammed into it, you quickly pulled away, covering your mouth as you heard the basement stairs creak.

Dammit! You quickly went into a class room, hiding under the teachers desk, you went into fatal position to keep your legs from showing.

It was dark out and the echos of footsteps haunted your mind. You prayed to the archons he didn't find you.

Yeah, yeah, you acted tough in front of him but your heart dropped when the door to the classroom next to you was slid open.

You could hear him talk to himself and it was creepy, you touched your back pocket, but your phone was gone.

You felt your brain beating in your skull, he was standing right outside the classroom you were in, peering through one of the windows you bet.

He knows...

Everything you were doing sounded so loud to you, but when Kaeya slid open the door to "your" classroom you stopped breathing, moving, or anything that involves making noise.

You let out a little breath when he walked to the back of the classroom.

"Y/n~ Come out~" His voice was so soothing, yet scary.

But his voice wasn't like that for long, it changed dramatically when he spoke again, "Y/n. I know you here. I've checked everywhere else."

"Hehe! It's no use, I know your here." He sighed and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Is that you?" Bruh. Is he delusional? What is he even-

"A-" You blinked once. ONCE. And he was in front of you, smiling.

"You know what's funny?" You tilted your head, what kind of sicko is he?

He leaned close to your ear and whispered, "I didn't actually check everywhere. This is the third classroom I've visited. I knew you wouldn't stray to far from me!" He hugged you, still under the desk, squeezing you between the desk and him.

You couldn't help it, your eyes teared up, "Please." You tried to push his arms off of you.

"Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?" He innocently asked you, pulling away while holding your arms.

You winced in pain as he did so, "Hm? What's wrong?" You didn't answer, his eyes trailed down to your hand, "Oh? How did this happen," He held up your hand, kissing it like the pain would stop.

"Come on now, let's go." The bluenette grabbed you and lifted you up from under the desk.

Carrying you bridal style, he smiled intently. There was no use trying to fight anymore...

He had won..