Chapter 1: Quirk Accident

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(Hi everyone and welcome to another one of my stories ^^. Hope you enjoy it!)

Izuku Bakugou strolled through his home quietly, he had just finished loading the laundry and was waiting for it to be done. He had almost finished his chores for the day, after folding the laundry he would finish cooking dinner for Katsuki, he'd eat before Katsuki came home. He grabbed the laundry and looked at the time, almost 9, Katsuki should be coming home soon.

Izuku started to panic, he hadn't finished everything yet, but he needed to finish dinner. He quickly shoved the laundry in their storage room, frantically filled the bath, and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing his apron, he looked at the curry he had left on the stove, he gave it a sniff and a quick test before putting some more spices into it and letting it sit for a little longer, Katsuki would want it full of flavor and spice.

Izuku watched as the clock ticked, changing minutes occasionally, just a few more minutes, and then he'd plate it. He just sat there, waiting.


Katsuki stomped out of his agency, it had been a tiring day, the villains he had encountered on his patrol were even more annoying than usual, one even getting a hit on him with their quirk, making him dizzy and extremely tired, all in the number one hero's day of work. He hadn't had the villain's quirk checked out, too much of a waste, all he needed was to decompress and sleep which meant heading home.

He didn't want to buy a car, too expensive of an investment. Besides, he much preferred blasting his way home than driving. So, he aimed his hands toward the ground and let off an explosion, being a hero allowed him to do such a thing without trouble.

He quickly walked up to the Bakugou household and slammed open the door.


Izuku finished up the sandwich he made for himself and cleaned the dishes, laying them on the drying rack. He grabbed one of the bowls to start pouring the curry into it. He placed it near the burner and set the pot's lid on a nearby surface. He was about to start pouring the curry into the bowl when he heard the door slam open, making Izuku jump.

Izuku scrambled over to the entrance, he knew who it was, Katsuki was home. Izuku walked up to him and quickly hugged him, shaking as he hid in Katsuki's toned chest. Katsuki looked at the table to see no food plated. 

"Where's my dinner hah," he demanded in an agitated tone.

"I was about to put it on the table. The bath is ready so you can take that before you eat," Izuku stuttered, receiving a slap in the face for it. 

"I told ya to stop with the damn stuttering," Katsuki said before stomping off to the bathroom. "Food better be ready when I get back," he called, slamming another door closed.

Izuku's eyes started to tear up, He's just having a bad day, he told himself. But he knew better, Katsuki had acted like this for 3 years now, their first year of marriage was great, as any other happy couple was.

However, Katsuki's behavior worsened after that. It got to the point where he was afraid to even mutter things to himself when alone. Izuku shut himself off from everyone, something he'd hoped he'd never do.

Izuku grabbed the bowl and poured curry into it. He placed it on the table and left the burner on low to keep the remaining curry hot for if Katsuki wanted seconds. Izuku was supposed to stay up, doing the dishes before going to sleep but decided to scamper off to bed, he'd deal with the repercussions tomorrow.


Katsuki returned from his bath wearing a tank top and sweatpants. Heading over to the dining table he sat down. He scowled, Izuku must have gone to bed. Katsuki shrugged, he was too tired to deal with it today, tomorrow he'd do something about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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