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... I completely forgot that 90% of COTE community are filled with horny people that can't even asked someone on a date and could only live in a fantasy of anime.

And have this cat picture


Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

Right now, I'm discussing what happened yesterday with Horikita, Yukimura, Hirata and Kushida.

"So? Who do you think is the one that guess the VIP?"

"Isn't it obvious Hirata? Koenji is definitely the one. Why is he always so reckless?!"

"On what basis do you think it's Koenji-kun?"

"Everything! You know how reckless he is. He didn't even help in the last exam, and now he's finding the easiest way out!"

"But what if it's someone from other class?"

"I agree with Ayanokouji-kun. There's a chance that it's someone from other class."

"Kushida-san, you should know what strategy class A are using. It couldn't be them. Class B want outcome 1. Class C is most likely, but they wouldn't do anything stupid unless Ryuuen-kun told them to."

We're brainstorming all our thoughts into this.

We've been discussing this for a long time to the point that almost everyone from our class decided to join the conversation and give their thoughts.

"Oh my. If it isn't my classmates. How have you been doing? I hope the quiz didn't mess with your brain too much."

We all turn to look and who it was.

It was none other than Koenji.


"What have you all been up to? Thinking about the other liars? If you want, the great Koenji can give some hint."

Everyone brush off what he just said. Most of us definitely think that this is just him being his usual self.

"Koenji-kun, can you tell us, why did you guess the VIP?"

Looks like even Kushida think it's him.

To be honest, I'm quite sad

At first she defend me, now she's not.

Probably because of Horikita's counter.

"Fufufu really funny Kushida girl. The reason is simple, I had no time for some quiz."

"Koenji! What if you get the wrong answer!?" Look like Sudo couldn't hold it any longer.

"I'll never get a wrong answer." Koenji answer while flipping his hair.

"Also, all of you are wrong about one thing."

"What is it?"

"Unfortunately I'm not the one that guess the liar."

This statement shock all of us.

"What do you mean?"

"What I meant. The one who guess it is not me, but someone else."

"Why do you think we'll believe you!?"

"I don't need anyone to believe me. In fact I don't care. But taking someone else credit is not my style."

Koenji is well known for being a self-centered person. Everyone in our class know that.

But I'm the only one that known that there's another one that is the same as Koenji.

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