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After we finished eating, we still had 30 minutes till the meeting.

We chatted for a little bit and then I gained all of my courage to ask what kept bothering me.

"Hey guys, this meeting of ours, what exactly will it be about?" I asked and looked at Han and Felix.

"Huh? You don't know? Bang Chan didn't tell you anything?" asked schocked Han.

"No. Should he have done it?" I asked frustrated. I don't like the feeling of not knowing what was going to happen. 

"Well, if I know, this meeting is for us to find out on what level is your self defense skill." answered Felix calmly.

"How?" I asked but was little bit calmer, since I knew, what the meeting will be probably about.

"Who knows? You will probably need to fight someone." said just casually Han.

"Fight someone?" I freaked out. 

"Don't worry. They won't go hard on you, since we know, that you don't have experience with it." said Felix and tried to calm me.

"Yeah, that's right. There's nothing to be afraid of." said in agreement Han and smiled at me.

"No, you got it all wrong." I tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" asked Felix and Han gave me a confused look.

"Well. It's not like I can't fight, but..." I said.

"But what?" asked Han in confusion.

"I just don't want to hurt anyone and make more people hate me." I admitted.

"Is this what you were worried about?" asked Han with a little laugh.

"Yeah. Why?" I said and looked at Han and Felix.

"There's no need to worry about it. We all are experienced in fighting. You won't hurt us just like that." said Felix with a gentle smile on his face.

"But last time when I fought with Changbin and Hyunjin I hurt them and now they're pretty mad at me." I answered not so sure about it.

"You really don't need to worry about that this time, y/n." said Han with a little laugh.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.

"He's trying to say, that the last time it was fight without rules and the guys were being careful around you to not hurt you drastically or anything." answered Felix.

"That's right. This time there will be set rules and the guys won't let you hurt them so easily and will they fight back. Fight without rules is dangerous, of course biting, scratching etc. can be useful. But it can be also dangerous and really inconvenient. We will try to train you so you don't have to do thing like that and yet, you will still be able to win." said Han confidently.

"Oh, okay. Then I will believe you guys and I will try my best to join you on mission as soon as I can." I said with a bright smile.

"Yeah. We know." said Felix with a big smile on his face.

"Fighting y/n." shouted excitedly Han.

"Yeah, fighting y/n." joined him Felix.

"Fighting." shouted both of them at the same time and I couldn't help but smile. All of my worries disapeared. Just like that. Thanks to them.




"Hi everyone. I'm glad all of us were able to come to today's meeting." started Bang Chan.

We were in a room that I presume was gym. By the walls were all types of gym machines. But most of the room was just empty. The floor was covered with mats. All of the members were here. Bang Chan and I.N stood in front of us. I, Felix and Han were one little group. Me standing in between them. The other group stood nearby. That was Changbin, Hyunjin and Seungmin. And between the two groups stood Minho.

"As you probably already know, today's meeting is held because of our little troublemaker, y/n. We are here to find out how well can y/n fight." continued Bang Chan.

"I don't think there's any need to delay it any longer. Is there anyone, who would like to challenge y/n to a duel?" asked I.N.

"Well, if she's going to fight according to rules this time, then I would like to have a fight with her." answered Hyunjin with a raised hand.

"Of course. I will tell you rules before the fight first. The violation of the rules will result in punishment. Remember that." said I.N with confidence in his voice.

"Please step forward." said Bang Chan and gestured to me and Hyunjin to come in the center of the room.

Me and Hyunjin came and looked at each other. I didn't change my clothes or anything. I had jeans, blouse and suit jacket.

"Hey, mind taking care of it, Han?" I asked while taking of the suit jacket.

"Give it to me." said Han and reached out his hands to catch it. After throwing it to him I rolled up my sleeves.

I.N was now standing between us and started to tell us the rules of the fight.

"Gun or any different kind of weapons is prohibited. Biting, scratching and such is also prohibited. The fight ends, when one of the fighters is lying on the floor unable to move or when one of them gives up. Continuing with fight after this will result in punishment. The fight will also end when referee decides, that one of the fighters is unable to fight anymore or when the referee acknowledge one of the fighters as winner of the fight. Traps, frauds and such are not prohibited. Is everything clear?" I.N asked and looked at us.

Me and Hyunjin just nodded to let him know, that we understand.

"If that's so, then fight not just with your body but also with your minds.  Do your best. Good luck, fighters." said I.N and stepped back.

Now it was just me and Hyunjin standing there. We were facing each other. We were observing each other. Every move, breath, look of the other.

My heart started to beat like crazy. Adrenaline was getting all over my body. All I could hear was the beat of my heart. My vision was getting worse and worse. Right now I could see just half of the things that I normally can due to the stress. My mouth was dry. I swallowed and tried to moisten my mouth a little bit.

I need to calm down. Otherwise I will end up basically blind and deaf and then there's truly no way of me winning over him.

Just like Aera has taught you. I closed my eyes and tried to remember, what she said and taught me.

Feel everything. 

Breathe in and out. And again. In and out.

Feel the mats under your feet. Feel the movement of the air.

Calm your heartbeat.

You can do this. But only if you stay calm. The one who stays calm is the one, who wins.

Breathe in. Breathe out. I clenched my fists.

I opened my eyes and with it I relaxed my fists again.

I looked Hyunjin straight to his eyes.

Now I was calm like never. 

Now I was ready to fight like never. 

Now I was ready to win like never.

I smirked at him.

I'm gonna win this. I'm sure.

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