First Time

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Carter Hallow Junior year:

Carter Hallow Junior year:

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Eight years ago:

I stood above the shaking loser, tears streaming his face as I laugh at him.

"You're so weak!" I chuckle,

"L-leave me al-one!" He sobs.

"Crybaby." I spat and kicked dirt into the boys face,

"H-Hey! Leave hi-m alone!" One of the other boys yelled, I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up you brat, you three are just weak little girls!" I cackle, one boy was on the ground sobbing with a black eye, another one who was slightly taller was standing but was bleeding from his nose, lip, and cheek. The last boy was trying to help the first guy.

"W-We are no-t you're just a-a big bully!" The first one yelled,

"O-oh I-m-m s-s-so so-wwy." I mimic,
"Do you really think I care?" I land a kick to his stomach and laughed as he coughed and huffed in pain.

"Just go away!" The third said,

"Make me. You can't do anything! You three are so stupid!" I hit the boy one last time before walking off, walking from the park down a long road and to my father's trailer. I slowly opened the creaky old door and slipped inside the musty place, I slowly closed the door to try and not make too much sound.

"Where have you been?" I squeeked and flipped around to see my father in the doorway, bottle in hand.

"I-i uhm- I'm sorry sir!" I quickly bowed my head,

"That's not what I asked." He states,

"I-i was down town, s-sir."


"Uhm- helping kids..?"

"Hm, what's on your hand," I look down at my hand and notice the sploch of the first boys blood, my heart stops.

"Uhm.. they had a bloody nose."

"Lier. I don't like lying." He said as he approached me, I backed up slightly.

"You were out beating smaller kids again, weren't you?" He stood in front of me, anger bubbling in his eyes.

"N-no.." My voice just above a choked whisper as tears streamed my eyes,

"What did I say about lying?!" He yelled, I flinched and fell to the floor, I looked up and I punch landed to my jaw. I choked back a sob as he continued to hit me,

"Weakling" He spat before landing a blow to my stomach. I gasped for air, he left the room and I stayed laying there a bloody mess.

My routine of this went on for years, I bullied those boys, came home, got beat, then go to school the next day, say I got in a fight and won, and be the bully at school. It would go on forever, I would traumatize most the kids at our school, they were terrified of me. Especially the three boys from when we were younger, Jason, Gavin, and Taylor.

Jason, Taylor, and Gavin all stopped attending our school in eighth grade, scardy cats. I haven't see them since.

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