Guess I'm kidnapped now

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I feel myself dressed in soft fabric and weirdly I also feel warm compared to the harsh cold rain. I hear a soft lulling tune and some sort of fluffy blanket drapped over me.

I sniffle a bit and lift my head, which feels super heavy, and open my eyes. I'm laying in a very very large bed with silk sheets, a collar around by neck and a chain that connected the collar to the bed frame. Suddenly I start coughing rather violently and it hurts my throat and diaphragm.

The door opens and I'm unclipped from the bed and held by someone, my coughing fit slows to just hiccups and whimpers as my body begins to relax, still slightly shaking though.

"There we go darling, calm down." I hear a familiar voice say, It takes me a moment to realize that it's Taylor! I start thrashing and screaming but when that dosen't work I bite down on his shoulder with full force, causing his to scream in pain and shock.

"Bad! Release!" He says as he tries to pull me off of him. I hear someone run into the room and I feel arms wrap around my waist before I'm forced off of him.

"Let me go you crazy bitch!" I scream as I thrash around.

"Calm down or else I'm locking you in a closet!" I realize the voice as Gavin. Of course I didn't listen to him and instead tried to pry his hands off my stomach while screaming insults.

"That's it." He carried me over to another room inside the room and opened the door before shoving me in the dark and small space before slamming the door shut, then I heard it lock and footsteps walking away.

I tried not to panic but dark cramped spaces always triggered my anxiety. My breathing quickly got uneven and my body tensed, tears reaching my eyes as I unintentionally whimpered. I curled up into myself as my chest started feeling tight and I felt overheated.

It only took ten minutes for me to end out in full on panic attack sobbing mode. About half an hour later I heard footsteps coming over to the door, them seemed rushed as they got closer and that only panicked me more. The door unlocked and the door swung open to Jason looking both pissed and worried but I wasn't focused on that, I was focused on trying to control my tears and breathing.

Jason started coming towards me and I tried to scoot away as much as possible, trying to form a sentence but coming out as just mumbles and broken sobs. He held his hands up as he walked closer to me slowly, trying to talk to me but it just sounded like mumbles. He crouched down and gently lifted me up and against his chest, one hand propping me up by my bottom and the other one held my head against his shoulder as he shushed me. Why is he being nice? Dosen't he hate me? You know what, whatever. If he's gonna be nice then I should accept it while I still can until he goes back to being mean.

I rest my head on his shoulder as he paced around the room while hushing me and whispering things to me. I took deep breathes as best as possible while holding on tightly to his shirt.

Jason POV

I had left the house to the store for more supplies to use with the process with Carter, eventually when shopping for clothes for him I realized I didn't know his size nor did I have my phone. I payed for the stuff I already had and left the store. I quickly got in my car and drove home, hoping Carter wasn't awake yet.

I pulled up to the driveway and grabbed the bags before heading inside. The moment I got in the house I knew something was wrong. I walked into the living room and Gavin and Taylor were sitting on the couch, Taylor had a gauze pad on his shoulder and he was shirtless.

"Hey, what's up with the gauze pad?" I asked as I set the bags down and pointed at the pad.

"Carter freaked out and bit his shoulder and continued to freak out so I locked him in the closet as a punishment." Gavin said nonchalantly. I blinked at him.

"You do understand he has very bad anxiety when it comes to small dark places, right? And of course he's gonna freak out, he woke up chained to a bed somewhere he didn't know!" I said as calmly as possible.

I may be trying to get revenge on Carter, but his anxiety goes through the roof when it comes to dark cramped spaces, there're always triggering for him, I've seen how bad it can get.

"How long has he been in there?" I ask.

"Uhm, forty five minutes, add or take some." He said with slight guilt in his tone as he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down.

I run up the stair and into the bedroom, I almost immediately heard sobbing and whimpering. I quickly unlocked the door and swung it open, Carter layed curled up on the floor of the closet crying his heart out while hyperventilating and trembling. I went to go calm him but he started backing away, sounding like he was trying to say something but can't speak.

I rose my hands up while trying to tell him I just wanna help him as I slowly got closer. I eventually got close enough to scoop him up and hold him close to me.

He soon layed down against my shoulder as I rubbed his back and tried to calm him. He took deep breaths as I gently swayed back and forth while walking around the room.

Gavin and Taylor were standing in the doorway with guilty looks as for they had watched what had happened when I got him out of that closet. I take Carter out of the room and down to the living room where I sit on the couch with him on my lap, surprisingly although he is calm he dosen't push away, he just lays on my chest, hiding his red and blotchy tear stained face in my neck. I continued to rub his back until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.

Gavin and Taylor sat beside me on the couch and Taylor handed me a wet wipe that I used to clean off Carters teary face. I take a deep breath and relax into the couch while gently holding onto Carter, making sure he dosen't fall or wake up.

"I'm sorry." Gavin mutters.

"It's fine babe, you didn't know." I smile to him. Yes, babe, we are all dating.

"I didn't think he was scared of anything." Taylor says as he gazes at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah, I thought that too. But I found out he has a phobia of the dark and cramped spaces, along with spiders." I say as I stare at the ceiling.

"How'd you find that out?" Gavin asks.

"My dad and his dad used to be friends and I heard his dad talking about how pathetic he is and he is scared of the dark and small spaces." I explain as I recall the memory before shaking my head.

"How old was he?" Taylor asks.

"Seven, I think."

"His dad called him pathetic at seven years old?!" Taylor asks is disbelief.

"Hush, you'll wake him. And yes, his dad is an asshole and last time I saw him he was spitting insults at Carter." I say as I play with Caters hair gently.

"That's harsh." Gavin mutters and I nod.

"He's certainly changed," Gavin states after a moment. "He was trembling when he saw us, he instantly recognized us. I asked around the school, he's still a bully." He says as he stares at him.

"Yeah, from what I've heard is we're the only people to ever make him scared. He's also usually late to class and curses at his teachers." Taylor says.

"I caught wind that he skips lunch and is often behind the school smoking or getting into fist fights. Or atleast that's what he says to the kids, he tells them it's where his bruises and cuts comes from. They say that he doesn't pay attention in class and often chews on his hoodie sleeves." I say, recalling most the things I heard from the other students.

I wonder what he's been through..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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