Papa Ted's POV

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I was doing my everyday thing, hunting small animals, acting like a caveman despite being a Harvard graduate, revising my manifesto, and of course being a wanted domestic terrorist.

But something changed in me........

I was walking to the Home Depot in town to look for more lithium batteries that I could make a bomb out of and mail to an unsuspecting college professor when I saw... him. The absolute pinnacle of male beauty standing before me in all of his masculine glory...

What the fuck! I can't be gay! I hadn't even gotten a single drop of punani yet... However, I do feel a great demise towards my femoid counterparts (proof being page 2, paragraphs 13 and 14, and page 30 paragraph 28 of my manifesto).

I noticed the total slut that coiled herself around the beautiful man I had been gawking at, so very obviously pissing him off more than she did me. Then everything finally made sense... it was Courtney fucking Love... Kurt Cobain's ex-wife... 

After Kurt had left her for Pablo Escobar, things very so obviously (and very publicly) took a nosedive into a downhill spiral, she becoming evidently desperate for any schmeater she could get her skank hands on. You could almost feel bad for her... Almost...

Courtney then abruptly grabbed the man's crotch before being met with a harsh shove. "Get off me, Cuntney!  You know I abstain from sex like the good Chrisitan boy I am! To hell with thou, tramp! I am a man of God!" He shouted as he walked into the Home Depot without her.

A great wave of hope washed over me as the series of events played out right before my eyes. I followed in behind him as Courtney called out after him. Eventually, I caught him in the gardening section (which made me question his sexuality and his relationship with manhood).

I slid up right next to him, trying my hardest to be inconspicuous, but alas he noticed me. "H-hi... I'm Ted.." I said with a bashful smile. "I'm Varg." He said, returning the hospitality I displayed like the alpha I am.

Forbidden Ecstacy (Ted Kaczynski x Varg Vikernes)Where stories live. Discover now