"The General"

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"Daniel, you okay?" "Huh? Uuggh. My head hurts, is this what a hangover feels like?" "I wouldn't know, half breeds and angels don't get drunk. Our brain cells heal too fast." " It was just a figure of speech Gabriel. Jeez how long have you been on earth?" "Well I'm glad to know you're still alive, you were really far gone." "What, you mean like I was dead!? " "You watch way too many movies. No you weren't dead. You were sleeping." "Well that's what humans do Gabriel, we sleep." "For eight days?" "I've been asleep for eight days?? What happened?" "You unleashed your caged animal. The first time you exert your demon form, you have to go through a long period of sleep. I still don't know why." "Oh, so this is normal for us?" "Well it usually takes a month. For you it was a week. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." "Well faster is good right?... right?" "Yeah I guess it should be."
Yes. So I'm the badass chosen one, taking a much shorter time! "Huh? There are no chosen ones Gabriel. There has to be an explain.." "Oh my God it's just a joke, lighten up Gabe." "What did you call me?" "I said Gabriel." "Yeah, I don't do nicknames."
"Okay well is there anything else you can do to be a buzz kill?" "Stop talking!" "Calm down man." "Shut up Daniel, I hear something."
Okay okay. What is it? "I don't know, follow me."
Gabriel took me out of the cave, I hear rustling and clinking metal near the river. A voice echoed softly from the bushes. "He's here, I'm sure of it. It's all over the news." The man sounded kind of angry. "All the traces leed back to this cave."
Crap. "Gabriel, what do we do?" "Run back inside, get everything you had, I'll take care of this." "Are you sure? I could really help." "Just go!"
"Okay. Bag, check. Vest, check. Shoes, oh never mind. What else?? I think I'm ready. Gabriel, where are we go..."
Why is it so quiet? Gabriel! Gabriel"...*thud*. "Ah shit. "A peace of the cave fell from the ceiling, how old is this dump? Dan...*THUD*. HEY what the fuck?! Gabriel, where... *BOOM*!
"Stay away from him!!" Gabriel yelled across the lake. It seems like he can't reach me, what could possibly hold him down? "Hello, mister Chrome? Daniel Chrome?" How do they know my name, damn must be the police. Uuhh, how do I get out of here? Damn, I feel so weak. "I thought rest makes you stronger. How do I get out of here?! "
I got this." Yeah, that's my name, don't wear it out!" "We need you to come with us." The man sounded calm, a bit too calm. What will you do if I don't? "Try me and find out." You don't know what you're asking for man. "Well come show me."
"You know what, you want me, come get me!" "My pleasure." *click* *thud*.
"Huh? What the hell is? Oh fuuu!" *BOOM*. It was a grenade, it blew half the cave and crushed me with the rocks. I can't, I can't breath, I'm stuck! You son of a bitch! "Come on Daniel, you telling me you can't move a few rocks?" Ugh, I can do this. Uuggh. Where the hell is Gabriel??
Ga *cough* Gabriel! Help! "I told you Daniel. When you get out if this mess, meet us at the plaza. Tell them you're looking for General k9. Audios." "Get back here you fuckerr! GABRIEL! Damn it! "
I need to get out of here. I think I'm strong enough.
I keep trying to budge this stupid cave from on top of me, and I've tried at least 10 times to pick it up 5,000 pounds of stone on top of me, and assuming that I should be dead right now, and that I'm a freaking nephilim, I'm pretty sure I can lift this damn Rock!! "Why can't I lift this fucking rock?!! "
About 25 minutes passed, and I'm too tired to unleash my "caged animal". God I know I'm not the only kid praying for a change... Maybe that's not the right thing to say, you seem to be pissed at my very existence, but I need your help, do it for Gabriel... Please? *Boom* Yeess this is my freedom, this is my...*Boom*.
I can feel the weight of the cave getting lighter and lighter. "Gabriel", "Gabrieelll!!"
"It's not Gabriel jeez shut up, it's Cazul, stop talking so I can concentrate."
Cazul? Where the hell has she been? I don't even care, I hope she can lift this rock.
"Hey idiot, you can get up now, you're free."
I've been sitting here for an hour trying to lift this rock and she just uughhh. "Thank goodness you're here, where's Gabriel?" "Um, I'm sorry, he... he's gone." Gabriel, no, not him. "Are you serious right now?!" "No of course not, my uncle is a badass, he sent me here to make sure you got out." "That ass hole, why didn't he just get me out himself?" "He's following the General's trail, trying to see if there's a demon base or a hell hole, or a portal, something that can be used as a hub, I don't know everything." "Why didn't he take me with him?" I asked. " Ha.Hahahaaaaa Haaahaa.." After a long period of lol *Hahaaa! You, taking you, to help with the general? You've never even fought a demon before. Let alone general K9. I can tell you why he didn't take you, he didn't want to get you killed." I'm really getting pissed. "What about those demons back at the palace, I killed them no problem!" "I wouldn't count those as demons Gabriel, they're more like lost souls, trust me, he did you a favor." "You really don't think I can fight do you? After all that training? Okay, then why don't we do a little expedition? Me and you right now, and if I make you tap, then we follow Gabriel!" I'm not sure if I'll win but I'm tired of her looking down on me.
She calls on her blue tooth, calling Gabriel. "Can you hear this nonsense Gabe?...WHAT?!..But that's... Okay." She says over the phone. "What you have to check with your tío first? Come at me." Oh shit, what am I doing? I don't care, I have to prove that I'm strong. *She pulls her hair back into a pony tail and takes off her trench coat* " I didn't want to have to do this Daniel remember that okay?" She says very politely. "If you win, then by orders of my uncle, we can follow him. Seeing as to the fact that you just got your ass handed to you and slept for 8 days. And we have no time to waste,
Yeess! "Okay Cazul, I'm serious about this."
"3,2,..." Shit shit shit. "1!!"

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