Journal #1 (March 2020)

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Today I got to see my friend's performance of "Exit 27", and it was amazing. When I was congratulating my friends, my phone kept ringing. I checked and it was my mom, I told her Iwas busy. I assumed she was only checking up on me since I hadn't talked to her in a few days. After five minutes, my mom texted me to "call her". I told her I'll call in 30 minutes. When I got back to my dorm my boyfriend was getting ready to put on our favorite show. Meanwhile, I was on the phone with my mom. The tone in her voice was something I never heard before. She sounded very scared and knowing my mom she must've had a good reason. When she explained Covid-19 to me, I was confused because I never heard about it. My mom forced me to come home just in case I was exposed so that she could take care of me. I understood the reasoning, but I was sad to leave my college life. After I got off the phone, I explained what was happening to my boyfriend. He was very careless because of the lack of coverage from the media about the virus at the time. 

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