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"felix, please, think about this." chan protested. "are you really one hundred percent certain about this?"

"yeah, i'm sure. i know what i'm doing."

"but last week—"

felix huffed as he turned away from his locker that he'd requested chan to walk him to. "this is different. last week's in the past, this time it's a surprise so if it doesn't go to plan he won't even have a clue. trust me, christopher, i'll survive. plus hyunjin already agreed to help me."

"don't call me— he what?!"

"well yeah, i knew he'd agree straight away so i told him before i told you."

"lixie, it isn't that i wouldn't let you do it, i just wanted to make sure you're definitely certain of it since your anxiety's been spiking recently. i'm just trying to look out for you, but id still let you if you wanted to." the two began to walk down the hall, felix smiling at chan's concern before craning his neck to look for someone. he spotted the needed male and waved to get his attention, hurrying over to him and leaving chan lagging behind.


"you sound like you're yelling alcohol at me, stop." hyunjin laughed as they stood to the side of the hallway.

"do you know his schedule?"

hyunjin nodded. "i know he'll be in the art room at lunch."

"okay! but, he said he hates art and didn't choose it for his exams?"

"yeah, it isn't his choice." hyunjin cackled. "it's for detention. he has to sit there and do missing homework for an hour."

"oh... oh well, hopefully i can make him happier?"

"oh, i know you will!"

that lunch time, minho trudged his way down to the art classroom after bidding hyunjin goodbye, the male seeming too happy to get rid of him. in minho's opinion, his smile didn't seem like a teasing one for once, but an excited one? the purple-haired didn't know, he just knew something was off with his best friend. in fact, he was so closed off in thought that he almost walked into a wall in front of a group of year 7s, glaring at them to shut them up (it worked).

"god, i hate that year. hate the teachers too." he mumbled, finally reaching the art classroom. he grasped the door handle and stalled, leaning his head against the door and groaning. eventually he opened the door, walking in and instantly noticing that the teacher wasn't there but instead a brightly orange coloured head of hair. it belonged to a smaller boy, his blazer discarded on a chair by a table on the other side of the room to minho and therefore revealing his petite figure, who was organising an art display. with his back to minho, the taller couldn't see his face but that didn't bother him if he didn't know the boy.

spotting the orange hair, minho couldnt help but think of his best friend and how they had failed to meet the week before. of course he didn't blame him, anxiety was a big part of him and took up a large portion of his mind, it wasn't his fault. and no matter how keen he may be, minho would forever stick to his word and wait until the younger was ready to meet. he swore by it.

minho was still deep in thought as he sat down, sighing and slumping in his seat. he pulled his homework, the whole reason he was there, out of his bag and put it on the table, groaning at how much there was and putting his head on the table. there was silence for a bit, well other than the shuffling of the display items from the ginger and all minho could think about was lix. he hadn't heard from the younger all day and it concerned him. had he said something the day before that he shouldn't have? was lix just busy? he didn't know.

his train of thought was disrupted by a low humming that seemed to be coming from the smaller boy, almost inaudible at first but soon growing slightly louder, then evolving into light singing. minho sighed and closed his eyes, finding the voice soothing and sending him into relaxation although not long after, his eyes snapped back open and he raised his head slightly. he knew that voice. he loved that voice, in fact. it was strangely familiar, but he couldn't link it to anyone's face especially someone ginger. unless...

minho lifted his head fully to stare at the back of the ginger boy's back, mouth opening slightly in shock and disbelief. he slowly stood from his seat, refusing to believe that this was actually happening, and took a hesitant step towards the other.

"lixie...?" the older practically whispered hopefully, standing still in his spot. the ginger paused, placing the painting in hand back down on the counter. minho's heart had never beat so quickly and nervously in his whole life. finally, the smaller turned around and minho was met with the cutest face he'd ever seen. and when he said the cutest ever, he fucking meant it. an adorable smile appeared on his lips as he gazed nervously at the taller male, the same soothing, familiar voice speaking again.

"hi minnie."

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