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"i'm nervous for them."


"because, hyunjin, it could go either way. felix's anxiety could spike and he could leave midway again--"

"or, jisung, it could go really well and now they'll be inseparable."

"okay, why do you two sound like you're stabbing at each other again? chill out for once. please." jeongin sighed and tiredly placed his head in his arms. "if you're going to do anything, just go see if they're still there or not, that'll give you a decent hint."

the two bickering boys paused and side-eyed each other, seemingly calm, before both scrambled up out of their seats and off down the hallway.

"chan, how do you date jisung when he literally acts younger than me."

"that doesn't define him. he's adorable."

"i'd take that answer before he starts giving you a whole speech about how much he loves him, to be honest." seungmin, minho's friend who joined them after knowing where minho had gone, spoke. jeongin laughed and his cousin rolled his eyes, waiting for jisung to come back to him.


"you go in first."

"what, why?"

"im not having them get mad if we interrupt!"

"what- then im not going in!"

"one of us has to!"

"well , it wont be me-"

jisung and hyunjin's bickering paused when jisung held up his hand, pulling his phone out of his pocket and accepting an incoming call.


hyunjin's eyes widened at the person jisung acknowledged and made desperate signals to put it on speaker.

"what happened? is everything okay? was minho an assh-"

"sung, calm down. i was just going to ask if you can make an excuse for me not being in last lesson today. like say i'm ill and gone home or something."

"yeah, i can. why? tell me what happened!"

"tell us what happened!" hyunjin argued.

"oh, hi jin! we're fine, i promise. we're going to hang out somewhere for the rest of the afternoon." the boy's voice was cheerful and they heard a mumble followed by felix's giggle over the phone so the curious two clicked what happened and beamed at each other.

"yes! i knew it! have fun guys!" hyunjin exclaimed, ending the phone call. he and jisung then raced their way back to the others with the news.


"so where do you want to go?" minho asked as he signed himself out at the office so it wouldn't be like he just disappeared.

"hm... what about we just get snacks and stuff and hang out somewhere like the skatepark? i'm craving a monster." felix suggested, stood shielded by the main door so the staff wouldn't recognise him and stop him from leaving. as a sixth former, they could leave campus whenever they wanted as long as they signed out. younger years, however, couldnt.

"okay, that's cool with me."

"you sure? i thought you would rather do something big to signify finally meeting."

minho chuckled as they left the building and walked down the car park to the school's gates. "no, i'm more for the simple things. just spending time with someone is enough for me, it's calmer and you get comfortable with people quicker."

"are you not comfortable with me yet? after all that time?" felix held a hand to his heart with joke dramatics and minho nudged him with a smile.

"you know that's not true, i'm probably most comfortable with you out of our whole group."

"even more than hyunjin and seungmin?"

minho hummed in confirmation. "yeah. they don't bring the same feeling of happiness that you do. if that makes sense."

"y-yeah, it does." both boys turned shades of red and felix looked away for a moment, mumbling. "you do too."


"i said, you do too."

minho smiled and patted felix's head, the said boy feeling like a whole zoo had been let loose in his stomach. "aw, thank you lixie."

they arrived at the corner shop within the next few minutes, going straight to the monster section with felix trailing after minho like a little puppy.

"what flavour do you want?"

"uhm... i'll get pipeline punch."  but as he reached for it, minho picked it up first. felix looked up at the older who was reaching for his own monster, ultra black.

"what? i'll pay."

"but it's my drink, i'll pay for it-"

"do you have your id?"

felix quickly checked his phone case to see he in fact didn't have his id. "no.."

"thought so. you told me you don't bring it on school days."

"oh yeah..."

minho smiled at the boy who'd gone red, ruffling his hair. "cutie.. i'm paying then."

"i-i'll pay for the snacks then!" he quickly shuffled to the other isle to pick what he knew to be a selection of their favourites, including sour patch kids. minho grinned after the boy, watching his flustered manner in adoration.

'cutie...' he thought to himself. "i'll pay for these then."

"so, um, where are we going to hang out?" felix joined him at the counter.

"the skatepark, you said it yourself lixie." minho chuckled at  felix's ears turning redder.

"oh, right, yeah. i knew that."

"course you did."


i know , i know
i cant believe it myself
8 months without an update , what on earth is this


did u miss me ? bet u did ;)

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