the beginning

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Chapter 1

Third person P.O.V

Our story starts with a single kid. This kid was no one extraordinary, in fact, in the world he lived in, he would be considered the bottom of the food chain, his name ... Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku Midoriya was not born like everyone else, in his world 80% of the world's population was born with amazing powers they named quirks, and the other 20% were left behind without powers and considered lesser beings.

This is the story of how one kid became the most powerful being in the multiverse.

Izuku's P.O.V.

Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya, at the age of four I learned the hardest lesson anyone ever has to learn that young, it was that not all men are born equal, and that some kids are born with more power then others, but here's the thing, most people when they learn this might give up, but I'm not like most, It did the opposite, it pushed me to try harder to succeed.

Right now, I am on my way to school, and I am running late, you see I am what some may call a hero fanatic, I love watching pro hero's fight the villains, I even started my own notebooks to help me later in life. You see, I want to be a pro hero too, but you see, most people do not think I can because I am quirkless, but I will not let that stop me from becoming one.

Luckily, even though I got held up I still made it to class on time, you see, I'm currently in my third year of junior high, which means this is my final year before I go to highschool, where ill hopeful start training to become a hero, which is exactly what my teacher is explaining to use right now.

"So as third year students its time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude test, but why bother, ha, we all know you want to go to the hero track"

As he says this, I see the rest of my class start showing off their quirks, some of them are cool, like they can turn their hands to stone, but others are completely useless, like this one guy can stretch out his fingers.

"Hey, teach, don't lump me in with the rest of these bunch of losers, I'm the real deal, these guys will be lucky if they end up as some d-list hero sidekicks"

And that is katsuki bakugo, I've known him since before his quirk came in, at the time we were the best of friends, but once his quirk came in, he changed, you see he can make explosions out of his sweat, which is super powerful, and because of me not getting a quirk he decided to bully me, so as you can guess, we aren't friends any more.

"You do have impressive test results, maybe you will get into U.A high"

You see, out of all the hero schools in Japan, there is only one where everyone wants to go to, and that's U.A., the best hero school in the country, it has a 0.2% acceptance rate, which means only the best of the best get in, which also means all the best heroes have graduated from there, like the number one hero, All might, one day I want to be just like him and save everyone with a smile.

"that's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me, I aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one at this school that stands a chance of getting in, ill end up more popular then even all might himself, and be the richest hero of all time, people all over the world will know who I am, and it all starts with U.A. high" said bakugo while he stood on his desk.

"Oh yeah Midoriya, didn't you apply to U.A high too," said my teacher

The second he said this I knew what was going to happen, the second he said it everyone in the class burst out laughing, you see, ever since quirks and pro hero's became a normal thing, there has never been a quirkless pro hero due to everyone thinking there useless, until now, because the rules banning quirkless people from hero schools have finally been lifted meaning I can try to get in

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