The Good, The Bad, and the Rat's

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I never really expected this. 

I mean, sure, I'd daydreamed about it and written a fair share of SI inserts, but I knew it would never actually happen to me. 

Or I thought that, anyway.

I had closed my eyes and sank into the darkness, and I thought I'd never wake up. 

But then I do.

I remember someone talking to me. Probably God, I guess. I mean, I was Catholic in my last life, so I was raised to practically assume anything remotely like what's happening to me is God's plan. 

I'm not sure if I'd rather be left out of it or not. 

He told me I was going to a world I knew, and he was giving me a power. I'd be able to do everything Trafalgar D. Water Law could do, you know, from that anime One Piece?

Kind of wish I had actually watched it now. 

As it is, I know the guy and what he could do from some clips I had watched of the show, so I'm not completely in the dark. 

That's good.

I mostly just hope I don't look like him. No offense to his looks, but I don't think his style would be that appealing in this particular universe. 


Young Justice.

That's the universe I've been reborn into. Earth 16, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter. Saw the Justice League on the television the other day, costume designs and looks the same as from when I watched the show in my past life. Sidekicks aren't a thing yet, though. 

I would guess I'm about two years old right now, but I'm not positive. 

I found out from my sperm donor's drunken rantings that my mother was a whore. My apparent father knocked her up on a one-night stand, and the moment I was born she chucked me onto his front doorstep and went on her merry way. 

I don't think she literally chucked me, but with the way she practically abandoned me, I can't be sure. 

I should probably be thankful I didn't just get dropped off at an orphanage, but as it is, I think that might have been better. 

My "father" is a useless drunk bastard. All he does is bitch and yell at me for existing while he drinks himself silly every day after work. 

Oh yes, he does work, and he leaves me at home completely unattended every day from 9-5. 

I'm two. 

He's lucky I'm not a normal baby. 

Or maybe he wishes I was. 


I'm five now. My powers have finally shown up, though I refuse to practice in front of my "father." He's an awful person. The worst of the worst. The scum of the earth. 

I sometimes think God might have misplaced me when he sent me here. Other times I think maybe I was just a bad person, and this is my atonement. Most of the time I just wonder why he sent me here at all. 

If he had a purpose, I don't see it. 

My powers come easily to me. I can make my "room" as big as the crummy apartment complex I'm living in, and I can levitate anything I want, even if it's heavy. I only do that when my "father" isn't home, though. 

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