Dont drown part one

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This was it. The beginning of the end. Mia stared at her room, capturing the memories of joy and pain she shared with the four walls. The sky reflected her mood, grey melancholy clouds pushing together in the stratosphere to cast melancholy upon the day. Her mother smiled as Mia left the room, causing Mia to wish her mother hadn't seen her leave.                                                "Where ya headed?"                Mia glanced at her mother's face, hiding her own countenance in the making.                                            "I'm taking a stroll to the beach."                                            Mia's mother peeked outside and sighed. "Mia, the water isn't safe right now, look at the sky! It's far from safe!"                              Mia gave a light hearted smile; "I won't be long! I just want to collect some sand for my art project."        Her mom nodded and told her to be back before dinner. Mia nodded back and left the house, wiping her tears she hid in the process.                                              She descended the stairs of her apartment, feeling the wall as she marked it away in her mind. Each step towards the beachfront made her resent her decision, causing her steps to drag and her movement to come to a near halt. As the beach entrance appeared before her, she looked around for any sign of life besides herself. The shore held no souls, making what she was going to do next a very possible feat.                      Mia headed towards the mound of sand located near the lifeguard box, looking around once more before removing the heavy stones from the makeshift sand cache. She rubbed the black stones before throwing them into every available pocket, sinking a few inches into the sand before nearing the shore.         Mia took off her shoes and socks, leaving behind a souvenir of her time on earth. She took a step into the ocean, taking in the cold liquid that ate the heat from her legs and thighs. "This is it." Mia said with chilled breath. "My suffering will end soon. Just a few more steps and it'll all be someone else's memory."        As she took heavy, arduous steps away from the shore, a powerful force sucked her out to sea and away from safety. Panic began to set in; her chest becoming crushed from the  ongoing waves disabling her from gathering air. The stones did their duty in weighing her down, forcing her to plummet several feet underneath the current.          "This was a bad idea!" Mia thought to herself as she rushed to throw the stones out of her pockets. Her vision began to falter and the ability to rid herself of the weight she purposely applied caused her to capitulate, crafting the distance from the top that would lead to her ill fated peril.             Mia's eyes fluttered open, finding herself in her bed accompanied by a woman that eyed her with a gentle smile. "You're awake." She said to her.          Mia looked at her and gasped; it was like staring into a mirror of her older self, grown up with a Change of hairstyle from her usual straight but short wavy curls.                        "Who are you?" Mia asked.                                                The woman shook her head. "That's not important now, you need to rest. I'll talk to your mother, she'll be glad to hear that you're alive and well."                                                  The woman stood up, nodding towards Mia as she headed towards the closed door. Mia sat up in her bed, shouting to the woman to wait a second.       "What is it?"                                    "I was way out there in the ocean, how did you...". "You were passed out on the shore, soaking wet. I just found your home and helped your mom put you to bed."                                            Mia was lost for words, unable to digest that she was alive and breathing instead of sinking to the depths.                                   The woman looked at her as her mind raced around the room, trying to put the pieces together. She approached Mia and grabbed her shoulder, easing Mia's mind.                      "Don't end things this way, you have so much to live for."                           The woman left the room, leaving Mia with fear and confusion that splattered the walls with questions that could last a lifetime.            Hours later, Mia opened her eyes to a room filled with warm light from the sun. Mia stood up and looked down to find herself in the pajamas she was in before she left for the beach. She opened the door to find her mother sitting at the kitchen table as before.        "I'm sorry mom!" Mia said with pain in her voice.            Her mom frowned and cocked her head. "What's wrong Mia?"                                 "I didn't mean to go to the beach, it was stupid and selfish of me, please forgive me!"                                   Mia's mom stood up and laughed as she grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, placing it on the table. "You haven't went anywhere sweetheart, you just woke up. It was just a terrible dream honey."           Mia ate her breakfast before returning to her room to get ready for the day. "The sun's out." Mia said silently. "Was it all a dream?" It felt so real, so vivid I could've swore I died."                                                   Mia opened her closet and found her shoes were missing. "I knew it!"                 Mia bolted out of the rink much to her mother's surprise. "My shoes are missing mom! I took them off when I walked into the water!"                                             "You mean those shoes by the door?"                               Mia glanced over and stared at the shoes with socks stuffed into them.       "What's going on?" Mia said with shaking pupils and a stomach that dropped heavier than the stones in her pockets.             (End of part one). 

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