𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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I had a suspicion that the blazing hot sun wanted to burn me alive for some reason I can't figure out. Sweat coated my skin, making my favorite simple yellow t-shirt stick to my skin like a second layer. But I was as determined as the earth, my stubborn nature refusing to allow me to take a minute break. My feet, legs, neck, back, and wrists ached. I was sore all over but I persist. 

My mother and grandmother needed me more than ever. If I have to sacrifice my capability to walk freely tomorrow, so be it.

I grunted as I struggled a bit to lift the shovel with a lot of heavy poop on it and dumped it on the cart. I shoved the shovel into the soft ground and leaned slightly on it. Precious let out a huff as she jerked her big head, her mane swaying. I glared at her as she looked at me with her big doe eyes from behind the fence.

"You shit too much," I mumbled to my current least favorite horse and instantly look around at my surroundings for my grandmother with alert in case she appears out of the shadows in the barn to scold me for my filthy mouth.

The scariest thing on this earth to me was my grandmother. She looks harmless with her bendy back and grey hair until she opens her mouth. The funny thing is I learned most curse words from her. Ruth Anderson may be an old lady but that mouth doesn't have any filter.

I am not allowed to follow that steps, though.

You're far too young to be saying such words, she told me as I sat on the soft rug near the fireplace, soaking in the warmth that radiated from it, into my skin, and the sound of crackling embers and my grandmother sat on her rocking chair as she stroked my hair.

When I'm older? I asked her eagerly.

She shook her head in return. No, my sweet Stella. You're far too kind to use curse words. I am a grumpy old lady and it is only fitting that I also use such a filthy mouth.

I had tilted my head backward to laugh out loud and she smiled softly at me as if the sound was her favorite song in the entire world.

I used curse words secretly, though. I wanted to be her in the future even if she scolds me for it. It was only fitting that I should practice early so I'll be good at being a grumpy old lady like my grandmother.

My mother was a kind and soft-spoken woman. My aunt and uncle say I had inherited those traits from her. Her kindness, I meant. I was the farthest thing from soft-spoken. I was told that I'm loud and very expressive. I didn't disagree.

"Ma'am?" I whipped my head around to find Uncle Gabriel with a stoic expression standing about fifty years away with both hands behind his back.

My eyes widened and I itched to run into his arms for him to spin me around but then I remembered the little game we always played since I was a toddler. I tried my best to put up on my blank and emotionless mask as I stared at him.

"Yes?" I asked as I raised my chin upward.

"With all due respect, ma'am, I must apologize I have failed to bring you that pool I promised you," my face crumpled slightly at this, "but only because I got a bigger one!" My mood instantly brightened.

He had promised to bring me a pool for the background, instead of the terrible kiddie pools we had - stuffed away and rotting in the shed. I had outgrown them a long time ago but I wanted to soak in cold water on a hot day to cool off. The pond was too filthy and Mom didn't allow me to be in it out of fear I would get sick from it. I mentioned it and he promised to get me one. He'd described what the pool would look like and I have been looking forward to it since he last left a month ago.

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