𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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"Carlo." Phil's voice trembled, changing his mask again - from kindness, angry to fearful. He stumbled back a step. "I swear, I was on my way to get the money! I'll get it by tomorrow, I promise!"

"Yet you're out here, miles away from California." The leader, Carlo's brows rose. His gaze flickered to me momentarily before returning to Phil. "And with a little girl."

"Come on. You're no saint, either." He chuckled nervously, his eyes darting across the four men circling us. I was confused by his words but I didn't dwell on it, for I was also nervous around these scary giants.

Carlo turned to me, ignoring Phil. "Who is this man to you?"

I froze as all of them looked at me expectantly. I swallowed down the lump at the back of my throat. I think I might stop breathing but I forced the words out. "He wanted to show me his puppies in his car," I said lowly but they heard regardless.

"What the fuck." One of the men behind him barked in disgust at Phil and I recoiled at his sudden anger. "She's a child. We ought just to get rid of you."

Phil's face paled.

"Silence," Carlo commanded him and looked back at Phil. "Puppies? How original." He said coldly.

"I-I'm sorry." Phil stammered, pleading.

"Escort Phil to the car, would you, Leo?" Carlo ordered and the man who had barked in disgust sprang forward to take ahold of Phil and tugged him into the darkness where I couldn't see very well into.

What's happening?

"How old are you and tell me why the hell you're out here at this time in the night?" Carlo asked me, studying me intently and making me squirm.

"Why you're taking away Phil?" I asked quietly. "What about the puppies?"

One of the two men who stayed behind snorted. "There are no puppies, girl. Sorry to disappoint."

I didn't fail to notice they didn't answer about Phil and I was too much of a coward to attempt to dig deeper into it.

"Hudson," Carlo warned. "Go with Leo."

Hudson obeyed and disappeared in the same way Phil and Leo went.

"So?" Carlo said. "Why are you here at night alone?"

I quickly answered that I was visiting my father as Grams told me to mention if anyone asked. His face didn't reveal anything but I hoped he believed me. I didn't lie a lot but I pretended a lot, so technically that would aid me with lying. Right?

He questioned where I was going and I replied with, "LA, California."

His brows rose and nodded to himself. He asked for the address and I hesitated for a second before answering. I didn't know why he was asking me those questions but I complied with him so easily because I think I was a bit afraid that one of them would drag me away into the darkness like Phil's fate.

His eyes extended for a moment in surprise before they disappeared into a blank face. "Your father works for Zale?" He questioned.

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