♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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A/n: Abbreviations used in this chapter are (Y/n) - Your name and (L/n) - Your last name.


Saturday, September 5, Sophomore Year

The stars shone brilliantly, the moon illuminating all in its gaze. Crickets were chirping, but it was otherwise silent. It would have been a beautiful night, had one not known about the incident occurring in Glaze River.

Glaze ran through a large neighborhood, or perhaps residential area was the right way to describe it, known as Violetdawn. Residents often swam or fished in it during the warmer months, and it was known to have a calming energy about it. Right now, however, it was anything but.

An auburn haired boy towered over the body of another, forcing their head deeper under the water. It was impossible to tell their identities, and by now the struggle had largely ended. The drowning person finally began to go limp, the flailing of their arms stopping. The night went quite again now that the splashing had stopped, not that the process had been particularly loud to begin with.

Only someone from one of the nearby houses could have heard, and even then, they would have had to be paying close attention in order to think anything of it.

Finally, the larger boy had let go of the other, allowing his body to float limply in the river. He stood, a smile on his face as his seemingly glowing green eyes took in the scene.

He stayed put for a moment, panting slightly as the smile on his face only widening. Based on his large and muscular frame, it would have been nearly impossible for anyone smaller to have intervened, even if they had happened to stumble upon the scene. If they had, they would have ended up in the river along with the body of the petite boy.

A second later, the sound of a twig snapping could be heard in the distance and the tall boy whipped his head in the direction of the noise. The moon now illuminated his face, revealing his pale skin, and with it, his true identity.

Azari Hall was his name. Like most people in the Violetdawn neighborhood, he went to Riya High School, the same place where Nari had been murdered just months before. Of course, Nari was ruled as a kidnapping, not a murder. On top of that, several other students had also disappeared in that time with no evidence left behind. They still hadn't been found, and it seemed the death of the boy in the river would add another number to that count.

Azari, much like (Y/n) (L/n) months earlier, had seemed to feel no remorse for his actions. In fact, he relished in them, if anything.

He was a sophomore at Riya and although his reputation was far from spotless, his many friends on both the hockey and track teams would never have pegged him for a killer.

Once he decided the twig snapping he had heard was of no threat, he turned back around to look at the boy in the river once more. Smirking, he took off the black rubber gloves he had been wearing as he forced his head underwater. With that, he turned and began silently trekking back towards his house in the neighborhood.

Although it was nearly two in the morning and almost everyone would be asleep, he was careful to avoid any street lights and stay in the shadows as he made his way back.

Azari would later destroy the gloves, diminishing all evidence left that could possibly link him to his crimes before climbing back into his bedroom window and going to sleep as if he had no care in the world.

As it turned out, the boy that he had drowned was a junior named Cinza. Since he didn't know how to swim in the first place and nothing to suggest it had been a murder, his death was chalked up to be an accidental drowning. Azari remained free, as the police could never find any evidence linking him to the incident.

One thing that was quite obvious, however, was that these murders weren't going to stop. By now, between (Y/n) and Azari, there were at least four deaths that hadn't received any justice. If there was any hope of the student body surviving this semester, they would need to step it up and try to figure out what was really going on.

But how could they do so without any evidence, especially when each death seemed to have no correlation with the others?


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter! The next one will have some dialogue and be longer, but it was important I add this to the story first.

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