♡ Chapter 16 ♡

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A/n: Abbreviations in this chapter are (Y/n) - your name and (a/t) - animal type (just any animal basically)

Monday, September 6, Junior year

(Y/n) sat in their biology class bored out of their mind and exhausted. They had spent the last few days going over the security footage in excruciating detail. Of course, there was only footage from the one day. However, they wanted to go over all twenty four hours in order to be safe. The blurry footage didn't help much either, and the fact that they had been so busy with other activities they couldn't get out of made it take a while. They still had a couple of hours left and planned to check it over after school that day.

It was hard to focus on school with so much going on, but at least in bio they knew they could slack off and still be okay. Last year in chemistry, they had mainly relied on AeCha to do everything for them and help them pass.

This year, she wasn't in their biology class, but luckily, Kinsley was. The orange haired girl was always eager to help out, even if she hardly spoke most of the time.

Once the lecture finally concluded, (Y/n) leaned over expectantly and waited for Kinsley to help them. As usual, she moved their paper closer to theirs and began writing down the answers for them to 'copy, but change a few answers,' as they put it.

Now though, as they watched her write, they paid closer attention to her handwriting. It usually wasn't something they would have concerned themselves with but this time was different.

With all this journal business, they had the writer's handwriting to a tee. They could have recognized the slanted cursive letters anywhere, and right now they were recognizing them on Kinsley's paper. Blinking a few times, they rubbed their eyes before taking another look. Sure enough, her handwriting was almost exactly the same as that of the journal.

Kinsley nudged them, giving them a questioning look as she had clearly noticed they were acting off.

"Uh...Can you write that part again for me in my notes?" They questioned suddenly, "I want to make sure I get it since it seems like something that would be on the test." Nodding, Kinsley took their notebook and jotted down what they had previously written before handing it back to them. "Thanks." (Y/n) said emotionlessly.

Kinsley gave them a bright smile before returning to her work. They couldn't wait to tell Azari about this discovery later on.


"You're right, the handwriting is almost exactly the same," Azari admitted as he compared what was written in (Y/n)'s chemistry book to the journal. "The journal just seems like it was written in more of a rush, which makes sense for the situation. I guess maybe Ethan wasn't the writer."

"Maybe..." (Y/n) replied, hugging their stuffed (a/t) close to their chest, "We should probably still go over the store footage, though."

"Right," Azari agreed, "Good thing I brought popcorn!" With that, he pulled out his computer and turned on the footage again.

The two watched for around an hour before the worker at the register finally switched with the evening shift worker. However, rather than seeing Ethan, as they had expected, Kinsley came in.

"I didn't even know she worked there..." (Y/n) admitted.

"Me neither, but I guess we got our girl," Azari smiled. They nodded as he closed the computer and stood up, not bothering to watch the rest of the footage.

The couple quickly agreed they wanted to get rid of Kinsley and surprisingly little planning was needed for them to do so. They both were so ready to be done with the situation that they started feeling more rushed as time went by.

(Y/n) called her up and invited her to meet up just outside the forest for an afternoon hike. Surprisingly, Kinsley agreed.

It wasn't long before the two were trekking through the woods, with Azari stalking behind them just far enough that he was out of sight. (Y/n) had selected a trail that ran right by a cliff and planned to easily eliminate her that way.

They didn't even chat as they hiked through the woods, and in a manner of minutes they had reached the cliffside.

"Isn't this the coolest view?" (Y/n) asked, stepping a little closer to the edge and looking out at the forest below. Kinsley nodded, coming to stand next to them. They kept her busy looking out at the scene until they were sure Azari had caught up.

Feeling better now that he was nearby, they suggested they take a selfie, and Kinsley agreed. Bringing out their phone, they put an arm around her and smiled for the camera.

"Oh, can you not be too close to me?" They asked, "I just think it'll look a little better if you back up a bit and we can get the scenery in the middle." Kinsley nodded, backing up slightly. (Y/n) pretended to check the picture they hadn't really taken and then shook their head. "A little further." They ordered, putting their phone up again. Kinsley obliged. "Little further..." (Y/n) spoke. She backed up a little more, and that was enough.

Slipping on a loose rock, Kinsley lost her balance and ended up toppling off the cliffside without them even having to push her. They carefully looked out over the edge, making sure she was dead at the bottom. She was.

Finally, Azari stepped out from where he had been hiding.

"Well done, Darling!" He congratulated them, pulling them into a tight hug. Smiling, they returned it.

"We're done," they breathed, "It's finally over." Azari beamed, happy to finally see then so happy.

"Shall we give this journal a final read before we put it to rest along with her?" He asked, pulling out a lighter. (Y/n) nodded, breaking from their hug and taking out the notebook. They read through each entry, confirming that Kinsley was the person writing it with each one. They couldn't stop smiling as the feeling of accomplishment overtook them.

It wasn't until they finished the eighth entry that they remembered the page that had been ripped out.

"What about the page Liam ripped out?" (Y/n) questioned, worry returning in their voice, "We still don't know what it said."

"I'm sure it's nothing," Azari assured them, "Here, let's read the tenth entry. I'm sure it will only further confirm that Kinsley was the culprit." Nodding, (Y/n) began looking through the final entry.

It was mainly just a summary detailing the crimes they had committed and why Kinsley wanted them gone. Nothing stuck out as abnormal, except the fact that Azari's cleaning supplies were listed.

"Wait, Azari, how do they know what you use to clean up?" (Y/n) asked, "I don't think any of the murders they wrote down from you required cleaning. Even when you hit Tray with the car, we got rid of the car, rather than clean it up."

"Well, they were constantly watching us so I wouldn't be surprised if-" He started, but was interrupted by his partner.

"But they weren't," They reminded him, "There are gaps here. They didn't catch all of our murders or notable events, so they couldn't have been watching 24/7."

"Then I'm not actually sure..." He admitted, "I always keep my stuff wrapped up and in my trunk when I'm not using it." Suddenly, (Y/n) remembered something.

"Hey...Didn't you agree to clean that one bloody knife for me since I couldn't get the stains out last year?" They questioned carefully.

"Well, yes..." He admitted, "But even I couldn't get the stains out. I ended up trashing it completely. Why, did you want it back?" They shook their head.

"How long did you have it for?" They questioned.

"Only a couple of days..." Azari replied, recalling the event.

"And did anyone see or use your trunk during that time?" (Y/n) questioned. Azari paled.

"I never drive anyone else in my car when my stuff is in there, and I usually walk to school instead..." He spoke, "But I did have to get it taken in around that time..." He looked at (Y/n) as realization hit him. "T-They weren't supposed to be doing anything near the trunk...But I guess it's possible..."

"We need to review the security footage some more," (Y/n) declared quickly, eyes widening, "I think we may have killed the wrong person."

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