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The flesh.

It fluttered on her tongue, sending ripples upon ripples of waves down her spine.

She couldn't stop.

A frenzy.

Her mind was blank, spiraling down to the depths of insanity; nothing but brutality coursing through her cursed veins. Her glowing crimson eyes pierced through the darkness of the night, the moon hidden from sight like a slumbering eye. The stars were weak, and an ominous storm brewed as the wind howled across the city streets.

She feasted in an abandoned alleyway, moaning and shoveling the chunks of meat into her voracious mouth, blood spilling from the sides of her lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head in ecstasy; this was a ghoul's bliss.

A patter of footsteps stopped her binging abruptly, the ghoul whirling around with vicious, vulgar eyes. She let out a threatening hiss, hovering over her kill as she hopped up onto her light feet and lowered her body, barely grazing against the carcass. She trained her piercing gaze at the boy who stood a little further down the alley, his mop of wavy black hair rustling in the icy breeze.

"That's a nice kill you've got there," he commented smoothly, his voice level.

A pair of wings erupted from her shoulders like jets of flames, expanding high into the chilly night air. It hovered there for a second before each wing split in half, crystallizing into four insect-like legs, writhing and jerking around; she slammed each long limb into the ground ferociously, her body swaying in the air as they carried her up over the pavement.

"If you think you can come over here and beg me for some," the young girl spat, her scarlet irises, swirling crimson against an ocean of black tar, glared down at the boy with a savage intent. "You're fucking crazy."

The boy just blinked, his wavy black hair fluttering softly over his smooth forehead. His dark eyes flickered to the corpse under the girl, and then shifted his rather amused gaze back up at her and smirked.

"I'm not after the meat," he said simply.

The girl growled, the low sound ripping deep within her throat.

"Like you can convince me that," she hissed. "Look at you. All scrawny and shit. You look like you haven't eaten anything in months."

The boy stared at her still; his dark eyes remained calm like a dark arctic pond.

She scoffed.

"You must be absolutely starving," she muttered mockingly. Her long crystal legs slowly sank back into her shoulders, lowering her back onto her own two feet. Her glowing eyes flashed. "Surely you'd love to take a bite?"

He swallowed, his gaze glued to the bloody carnage.

"He was an innocent bystander, yes?" he asked solemnly, narrowing his eyes.

The girl gritted her teeth, irritated; a vein pulsed in her temple.

"Why does that concern you?" she spat. "You didn't even know the thing."

The older boy bit his lip, chewing on it as he stared at the carcass for a while, a blank, indifferent expression upon his face. The rain began to sprinkle down upon the city, dousing the two children in stinging droplets. He blinked once through the drenched, wavy locks of his jet hair, and then shifted his gaze back to her.

"Takashi," he said finally. His dark gaze softened to sheets of black silk, surprising the other ghoul and knocking her back a little bit in shock. "That's my name. What's yours?"

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