23 | R a p t u r e

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Despite the bliss that had enraptured them for the past few days following the Noh Mask attack in Nakano, the Fourteenth Ward, life certainly went on.

"...a pile of ghoul bodies were found Friday evening in a side street in Nakano," a female reporter said, the broadcast turned up on the TV screen. "CCG detectives have no idea who or what could have caused such destruction, and are prioritizing the identification of the attack's origin."

The screen cut to the street, where a bystander spoke into the microphone.

"I heard some yelling, and then the whole street started shaking as if an earthquake was hitting. Whatever it was, it was terrifying."

"Detectives have no other comments about the on-going investigation, but would like to reassure the public that everything is now under control."

Etsuko scoffed, reaching forward and grabbing her mug from the coffee table.

"Do you think they have any idea about who caused the attack?" She asked Ichijou, who was preparing himself a simple breakfast.

"Most likely not," Ichijou responded, turning around with a tray of rice, natto, and miso soup. He sat at the dining table, fixed towards the TV. "Scorpion's been dead for a while for all the CCG knows. Perhaps they'll link it to another SSS rank, or a powerful organization."

Etsuko huffed, taking a sip from her coffee.

The Noh Masks were probably going to spread rumors now. Rumors about Scorpion, the Mad Temptress, and their former leader, the Bloody Duchess, and how they were all one woman.

Etsuko hissed softly. She had always wanted to keep her identities separate, for privacy's sake. They were like alter egos, personalities she could assume at different times, and they served their purposes well within the past handful of years.

She sighed. Perhaps this discovery was inevitable. Especially since she was now engaged to a human.

Her amber eyes widened.

Oh god. Everyone was going to know about Ichijou now.

Her hardened gazed flashed to her fiancé, who looked at her with an expression twisted with worry.

"Are you okay?" Ichijou asked her, setting down his rice bowl and chopsticks. "You look like you're deep in thought again."

"I—" Etsuko blurted out, her voice clipping. She let out a breath. "You're going to have to be careful now, especially whenever you're near Nakano. The Noh Masks must know that I have a human that's precious to me now, and they'll target you in order to get to me."

Ichijou's eyes darkened, and he gave her a single, curt nod.

"Got it," he said simply, and pressed his lip into a fine line. He thought for a brief second before speaking once more. "And what about you?"

Etsuko smirked.

"The broadcast conveniently left out the fact that there was a ghoul that was cannibalized on scene," she said, her tone high with cockiness. "They'll probably attribute it to some territorial violence, since cannibals have been an on-going issue in that ward, anyway. I don't think they want the public to know that though, since it would strain the hysteria a bit more to know that Nakano's a ghoul hotspot. At most, they'll come up with a new SSS rank to look out for, like you said. But what do I know, you're the investigator here." Etsuko flashed a playful, predatory sneer at him.

Ichijou clicked his tongue in subtle annoyance, laced with the tiniest hint of amusement.

"You've certainly got the inner narrative of our workings down," he chuckled darkly. "I guess that's to be expected from one of the most powerful ghouls to elude the CCG—to evade us means to think like us."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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