Ch. 5 The Night Before

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After homework was finished they sat around playing some card games to pass the time. "So how's Sophie doing?" Jack asked Jamie, shuffling his cards around in his hands.

"She's good! She's been staying at aunt Jean's house." Jamie replied. His mom had a younger sister named Jean and Sophie would go stay with her sometimes. "You two remind me of my sister and I when we were young." Jack spoke a bit distractedly.

"You two must have been best friends huh?" Jamie asked and Jack smiled a bit sadly. "Yeah, we were all really close." Jack said in a melancholy tone. "All?" Pippa asked a bit confused.

Bunny looked at Jack from the side, he'd noticed Jack had used that word a few times when he'd speak about his sister. Jack looked up quickly, pain and hurt flashed over his features for only a split second. "I-I mean- m-my mom too- we were all close! Yeah," Jack recovered quickly but the suspicion was planted.

He's lying about something, but what? Jack changed the topic towards the game and they all played until late at night, the subject from earlier was forgotten and everyone was happily enjoying the game, that is until the phone began to ring suddenly.

Checking the caller ID and finding it blank, made Jack a bit uneasy. There wasn't even a phone number displayed on it. Hesitantly, he answered it. "Hello?" He was met by static.

Jack turned and looked at Bunny. He didn't know what this meant, Gen wasn't here to explain what static meant on phones. "... Hello?" Jack spoke again, a feeling of dread washed over him as well as an incredible sense of dejavu.

Bunny also got an odd feeling as Jack looked over at him. "Hang up." Bunny instructed with a serious tone. Jack's brows furrowed anxiously at Bunny's sudden words. That was enough to make Jack hang up faster than he could blink.  Jack's stomach churned. Something wasn't right here.

Jack checked the time and found that it was almost midnight. Who would be calling at a time like this? Looking at the phone still held in his hand, his mind peiced something together. His reoccurring dream.

The dejavu. He'd dreamed about this moment. His eyes were the size of dinner plates. "What's going on?" One of the kids asked nervously. Jack had only told Gen and Sandy of his dream, no one else knew.

"You have one unheard message." The automated answering machine began playing, spooking everyone. "First unheard message: Hey Sweet Pea! I called and heard you pick up, but I guess you couldn't hear me, I think the house phone might be acting up again, I should really get a new one- anyway! I'm able to come home first thing in the morning so don't worry!" Gen's voice came through.

Jack's entire body went slack with relief, he almost had to steady himself on the counter. Gen's voice continued, "I hope you've had a good day, hun! Bye!" And the message ended.

Jack instantly dialed her number and called her. "I'll be back." He said to the group who'd calmed their nerves and began dealing cards again. He recieved a few "okays" as he ventured into his room upstairs.

"Hello?" Gen picked up, with a cheery voice. "You scared the bejesus out of me." Jack breathed out and Gen laughed. "Yeah, its spooky when the phone does that." She knew exactly what he was talking about.

"But hey." Jack's voice became serious, and it made Gen nervous. "That dream I told you about," he paused, partially second guessing himself. "Yes? Did you have it again?" She asked. He had in fact had the dream again when he fell asleep next to Bunny on the couch.

"Yes, but theres something else." Gen's breath hitched, the tone of Jack's voice was dangerously serious, and she hated it. "I don't think it's a dream." He stated.

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