Chapter 1

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I woke up early in the morning just to freshen up and ready myself for the day. 

As I look myself at the mirror, I can see why most men on campus just can't seem to let me go from their hungry looks. 

Well to begin with I was not a looker at the early age, but ever since puberty hit me, I developed very much of what fits the description of good assets. And to say I am thankful for it.

Some might say that I use these assets to get what I want and even label me as a spoiled brat. Well that is where they are wrong, I am not a spoiled brat, I just know how to get the thing that I like the most. 

And speaking of these things, I am currently eyeing one hot papa around the corner. And to say I want to more than just a taste, I want to be in the first class seat in taking it.

As people say, the older men would be the yummier they are.

Having one last glance at myself in the mirror, I winked and off I go.

Plan #1: Attract the son

In order that I would be able to meet the father first hand, I first need to make sure to that I would be allowed to enter their so called mansion. And the only key person to allow it is no other than Jackson Manobal.

However, before I could even execute my plan, someone suddenly headlock me.

"What are you doing early in the morning spying on Manobal?" I gritted my teeth with the sudden disturbance.

"Unnie! What the hell?" She then leveled her eyes with mine and said, "you are up to something that is of no good to society, what are you scheming about?" She then looked at Manobal who was having a discussion with his peers.

"Are you planning something bad against the Manobal?" Shrugging off her arms, I faced to look at her and spoke. "He just catches my eye these days, and I am hoping to catch his as well."

And that was when the Kim Jisoo had her mouth open in surprise. "What in the world happened to you?" Well I am not surprise by her reaction. 

Jisoo unnie has been my friend since kindergarten days. And when I hit puberty, she had dubbed me as the girl with a type. I have been asking her about it and she just simply says all the guys I bang have something in common, they are nerds.

Not the typical nerds that you see with glasses, but more on a prodigy type where they excel in the field that they partake on. 

"But you know Jenduek - ah, there is one type you avoid and those are jocks." I remembered her say before. 

"Have you forgotten what I told you about types Jendeuk?" She then pointed at the group where Jackson was. "Those are the jocks, the types or kinds that you avoid. Or seemingly allergic with."

I just shrugged at her words. "Maybe I just change my mind, besides, Manobal is hot." Specifically his father I thought. 

"Suit yourself anyways, while you trap that hottie, I will be going to class, see you later!"

And I waved her goodbye. Turning to the my target, I composed myself, it's time to bait the fish.

Walking towards the crowd of where Jackson Manobal is standing, I made sure that I could catch his attention. 

First thing to do is bust out. Make sure you get a man's attention by making your mounds stand out. Walk slowly and make them jiggle. As I did so, I slightly smirked at how Jackson had stopped what he was doing to take a peek.

Second, arse. May sure that a guy would not only look at your mounds but also your heavy weight bum which are firm and very much delectable. And all you need to do is drop a pen, pick it up in the slowest possible way and aim that bum on the target's lie of sight.

Lastly, pussy. For jocks, they are those types who are hump and dump kinda guys. And in order to attract them and make them crave for you make sure you flash your jewels brightly as the sun. Earlier I made sure that I am wearing a thong a thin like cover to make sure that once I bend, I can flash Jackson Manobal a treat that would make his mouth water for me.

After that stand up and begin to leave, all you need is five seconds before you have your target locked.



"Hey," Opps, it is even easier than I thought.

I turned around to look at the intruder and unmistakably it was indeed the young flesh of Jackson Manobal.

"Hi, Jennie right?" He started. A very predictable way for an intro. But I must say I am impress that he knows my name. 

"Yeah, hi." I greeted as I flash a sweet smile on his way.

"Yeah, uhm I was wondering if you are free tonight?" he asked as he scratched the back of his head to seemingly look shy. I scoff in my mind knowing very well it was not a sign of shyness but eagerness.

"Maybe." I teased. "Is there any supposed occasion tonight?" 

"Yeah, the guys and I had just won our first game for the year, and we wanted to celebrate it with the rest of the school. You know to thank everyone for supporting us as well."

"I guess, I could make time." I answered as I twirled strands of my hair as I bit my lips looking at him.

I can see how his eyes moved to look at my lips and how he had gulped. Thirsty for some action maybe. I laughed in my mind.

"Yow Jack! Let's go." I heard one of his mates call for him.

"Yeah be there!" he nodded eagerly shooing them away. I smiled at the act, this guy is very much synonymous to the word predictable.

"So I'll see yah tonight, yeah?" He asked. I guess he wanted assurance for a good lay.

"Yeah, I'll be there. See yah!"

Tonight will surely be fun can't wait.

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