Chapter 6: The Talk About Y/N's Feelings

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(Y/N is now waking up at 8:50 AM.)

Y/N: Well, time to go to work.

(Y/N starts to put his clothes on and goes downstairs. He meets his mother downstairs in the kitchen.)

M/N: Morning sweetie.

Y/N: Hey Mom.

M/N: I made you your favorite for breakfast.

Y/N: Awesome!

(btw, Y/N's favorite is eggs and oatmeal.)

M/N: I need to talk to you.

Y/N: What about?

M/N: Well, You have been waking up early every day. You also come home late. If there is a reason for that, you can talk to me.

Y/N: There actually is a reason.

M/N: What is it?

Y/N: I forgot to tell you about it, but a couple of weeks ago I got a job!

M/N: Oh my gosh! You did?!

Y/N: Yep!

M/N: So where is this job?

Y/N: Have you heard of I.M.P?

M/N: I think I've seen it before from the commercial on TV.

Y/N: Does Blitz sound familiar?

M/N: Yeah, the boss, right?

Y/N: Yep. And guess what else? 

M/N: What?

Y/N: Moxxie's there too!

M/N: Wow! It's been a long time since you seen him.

Y/N: Yeah. Hold on.

(Y/N pulls out his phone. He now facetimes Moxxie. Moxxie answers.)

Moxxie: Morning Y/N!

Y/N: Morning Mox. There's someone I would like you to see again.

M/N: Hey Moxxie!

Moxxie: Hi! It's been a long time since I've seen you.

Y/N: But anyways, mom here's my coworker Millie.

M/N: Why, hello Millie.

Millie: Hi Y/N's mom.

Y/N: And there is Loona and my boss Blitz.

Loona: Sup.

Blitz: Hello sexy.

Y/N: Blitz, so help me... Alright... I should go.

M/N: It was nice to meet everyone! Except Moxxie.

Blitz: Damn Mox, she really does not like you.

Y/N: No Blitz she means... Whatever. I'm on my way to work. 

Blitz: Alright. Bye bye.

Y/N: Bye.

(Y/N hangs up the phone.)

M/N: You know, everytime I see you two together, it's like you guys are brothers.

Y/N: Yeah.

M/N: But...

Y/N: But...

M/N: Haven't you felt a different type of way towards him?

Y/N: I'm sorry, what?

M/N: You know, love.

Y/N: Mom, I swear to Satan himself if this is about the time I had movie night with Moxxie and me and him fell asleep and we were cuddling...

M/N: I mean... you guys have been close friends for a long time. I thought you two might end up... together.

Y/N: Together? Mom, do not go there! It's nothing like that. We're brothers. Best buds. I'm not gay and neither is Moxxie, he likes girls too. I know for sure.

M/N: Really, then what would you do if all of a sudden Moxxie just came up out of nowhere and started to tell you about his feelings about you? What would you say at that exact moment?

Y/N:(blushes in embarrassment) W-Well... Hey! Don't try to change the conversation! I'm not gay Mom! I promise!

M/N: Think about it. Whenever I came back from work, you would come back from Moxxie's and tell me everything about what you guys did. And besides, he cares for you. I'm sure of it. Look, I won't judge you if you end up dating him and if you two do, then I'm glad you found your special someone.

Y/N: (blushes) Gosh, y-you really think he likes me that way?

M/N: I'm sure. You two would be a happy couple. Now you should get to work.

Y/N: Okay. Love you Mom.

M/N: Love you two, sweetie.

(Y/N then leaves the house and gets in his car. While drving, he was in deep thought.)

Y/N: (thinking) That's ridiculous. I couldn't possibly have feelings for Moxxie. Could I?

Childhood Love:Moxxie x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now