Chapter 10: Truth Seekers

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(We see four moniters. They are monitoring Blitz, Millie, Moxxie and Y/N.)

Agent One: Right there. This was the first sighting.

Agent Two: They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people, but why?

Agent One: They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next.

[A loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by an angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a hole in the wall that is covered with small wooden planks, forming a peek hole to the outside. They then see the source of all the racket, Blit outside on top of some trash bags and dumpsters looking around.]

Agent Two: Ah well, that's convenient.

Blitz:  Shh! Remember, we can't be seen.

(Blitz slams the dumpster door loudly, but then falls into a pile of trash bags.)

Moxxie: Pardon my word, sir. But you're currently being the loudest.

Blitz: I said shush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie.

Moxxie: Hey, where's Y/N?

Blitz: I let him watch the office for the day.

Moxxie: Oh.

(Moxxie steps away from his boss for a short moment as the portal was opened, Moxxie was about to head towards the portal.)

Blitz: Get down!

(Blitz quickly tackles Moxxie to the ground as a net zooms by. Agent One then reloads her weapon as Blitz looks behind him and sees Agent Two jump down with rope from a building and in front of the portal.)

Blitz: Loona! Close it!

Millie: Wait! No!

(When Moxxie sees the portal close, he suddenly gets mad and fights off the two agents while Blitz hides. However, he is hit by a needle and falls to the ground.)

Blitz: Moxxie!

(With quick thinking, Blitz grabs Moxxie and runs away. He knocks Agent Two out of the way as he keeps on running.)

Moxxie: I smell...Colors...

(Blitz reaches a dead end and the agents waste no time in cornering him. Blitz raises his gun, ready to fight.)

Blitz: Back off, you tuxedo wearing fucks!

[Blitz and the Agents both raise their guns. But just as Blitz is about to fire, Agent Two pushes a button on her gun and Blitz gets shocked along with Moxxie before going down for the count.]

Agent One: I'd like to see the suits at corporate call us losers now, that was pretty badass.

Agent Two: Super badass.

[Soon enough, he passes out. Meanwhile in Hell, Millie, with tears in her eyes punches the wall multiple times before falling to her knees.]

Millie: Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

(Millie wails with her head and hands on the ground.)

Loona: You uh... You okay there?

Millie:What're you doing sittin' there? The boys are in trouble! Open it again!

Loona:Blitz was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. That means it was serious, which means I don't open it until-


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