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In Wigdrasil, the place where the five families gather at the beginning of the year to promote harmony.
Today was the second day of the banquet, usually it's not that noise that day but today was different. The banquet hall was filled with the whispers. And why wouldn't it be, today the great emperor of Obelia was coming to the banquet.

" I heard that the emperor have one daughter"
" But some says that he is still in his twenties"

In one of the corner the head and two children Agriche family stood.
" Is it really true that the emperor of Obelia is coming here?" asked the blunette.
" Yes, they will arrive in any moment." Smiled roxanne as she glanced at her father. Her crimson eyes stared at the crowd. She smiled gently, those man who were staring at her couldn't help but blush.

" Roxanne, put the mission that i assigned you aside, right now you must focus on seducing the emperor." Lant puff out the cigarette smoke and smirked. " Seduce him and became his wife."

" Wha-!!"
"Of course father"  Roxanne  cut Jeremy in between and smiled at her father. Her smile was to gorgeous that anyone could be enchanted by her. Lant smirked
' disgusting, truly disgusting'

" Make way for his majesty Claude de Alger Obelia and her highness Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia!!!"

This made everyone's attention go to the entrence. They all bowed there heads even the agriches. Afterall the current emperor of Obelia was one of the most powerful emperor in the history.

" Jeremy bow down" said roxanne to the angry blunette beside her. Jeremy obeyed her since he loved his sister very much and respected her.

The gate opened and they entered. Nobody could see how they look like because there heads were bent down. They didn't dare to offend the emperor including the agriches.


The steps finally come to an end.
'from the sound of the step their are atleast 3 or 4 people' thought roxanne. She wanted to know who was the emperor, maybe because of her own curiosity. But something doesn't feels right. She had an uneasy feeling, even she don't know why.

" You all may raise." Said a cold and emotionless voice. Hearing the word all the people who were present in the hall raised there heads. They all were excited and curious to know how the emperor looked like.

The agriches also slowly raise their heads. Roxanne red eyes widen as she saw the person, the emperor. Many memories of her childhood appear before her eyes.

" Ashil "
The name of the person she loved the most escaped her mouth. Her brother who died before her eyes was sitting on the throne in front of her. But he didn't look the same, he didn't look like the sweet boy she knows. He looked like a cold ruthless person, who wouldn't hesitate to kill someone.

" Impo... Impossible, that's impossible."  Lant Agriche the man who wouldn't hesitate to kill his children if they were not useful was shuttering. His eyes were widen in disbelief. How can a dead person be sitting on the throne in front of him, just how.

Jeremy was speechless. He didn't have words.

" Oh my is that the little princess"
" God, she look like an angel."
" The emperor is also very good looking"

The attention of roxanne, Jeremy and lant automatically goes to the little figure sitting on Ashil's lap.

' is she his daughter'
Her platinum blonde wavy hair that reaches her waist, her jewel blue eyes  that looked like sapphire and her milky white skin with a hint of redness in it. No doubt she look like a angel send from heavens.

Now that Roxanne think of it her brother's appearance also changed. His well built body, his hair which was in the light shade of blonde was now golden, his eyes have became sharper. His jewel blue eyes which used to held warmth in it, was now cold.

He was wearing an official military uniform, complete with a decorated, double-breasted frock coat, a fur-lined cape, trousers, and boots.

The little girl on the other hand wore a golden dress with white embroidery. Her hair was tied back into a high ponytail, with soft bangs falling into her jewel-blue eyes.

' what in the world happened to my brother' Roxanne felt like crying but she couldn't, not in front of those people.

" We are going " said lant in a furious voice. The agriches went out of the hall without a single word.


It was late at night, roxanne was sitting under a tree. Tears were slowly dripping from her eyes. She was really grateful that dion was not here.

' what happened. How can he be alive, how' thoughts were eating her from inside. She started to sob quietly. It was a cold night and she didn't even bought a shawl with her, not like she care.

While sitting under the tree, memories of her brother's dead body appear before her eyes. How lifeless he looked, his body conditions were tell that he was in a lot of pain.

She also remembered the day she took the special exam, how she killed her brother with her own hands. Tears were dripping from her eyes continuosly, she sobs were quiet but it sounded very pained.

" It's cold outside, miss. Huh, why are you crying" small hands hold her face. Her red eyes met with the innocent jewel-blue ones. Her small hands gently wipe the tears that were falling from her eyes.

" Why are you ruining you beautiful face by crying, miss"
The little girl smiled at her with such a carefree face. A face that have no worries of this cruel world.

At that moment Roxanne smiled, not a forced smile but a genuine smile. A smile that she hides from everyone.

" You know your very pretty, miss" the kid said with a small blush on her face.
" Well, i can say the same for you. You're the most adorable child i have ever met" smiled roxanne. The kids face turned as red as a tomato when roxanne prasied her. Roxanne couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness.

" Athanasia, what are you doing here alone." The same cold voice that roxanne heard in the hall.
' brother' her brother was standing right in front of her but she didn't have the courage to talk to him.

" Daddy! I wanted to see the stars clearly." Athanasia ran to her father and raised her hand. Claude pick her up in his arms and she wrap her small arms around his neck.
" Sleep" a light surrounded Athanasia and she disappeared.

Roxanne eyes widen, did her brother just used magic.

He turned toward her and stared at her. Truly, his sister have grown up. But she is no longer as innocent as she used to be.

" It's been a long time, Roxanne."
" Brother Ashil" roxanne said in a small voice.
" Not ashil, Roxie. Claude"

To be continued~

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