chapter II

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[this story is not same as the manhwa so there will be some changes]

Today was a very important day for ashil. Today was the day he had to take the special test and this test will decide weather he could live or not.

Ashil was getting ready in his room. He wore a simple white shirt with a small bow on the collar. His black pant was also simple.

On the outside he looked really calm but his mind was filled with horrifying thoughts. Will he be able to see his mother and sister again. Will he be able to learn how to use sword from dion again. Will he be able to make it out alive.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. The person on the door was no other than his mother. By the look on her face, she look really worried and scared.

"Ashil" soon he was in the warm embrace of his mother. "Please do well, my baby" he could feel his mother trembling. He opened his mouth to say something and assure his mother that he will be fine but no words came out of his mouth.

He, himself wasn't sure that if he could survive or not. Afterall, he and his sister were weak and useless. Well, that's what their father said.

"Mother i think it time for you to go to aunt Maria's tea party" ashil said with a small smile. Sierra finched as she nearly forgot about today's tea party.

It's not like she wants to go there but if she don't go there Maria will come herself and take her to the party and she don't want that.

"I'll take my leave. Take care of yourself ashil." She planted a small kiss on Ashil's forehead and went out of the room.

Ashil went to his bed and layed down. There was still some time before the test starts. He kept thinking about the test. Suddenly it hits him,
'where is roxie.'

He immediately stood up. There was no way that Roxanne won't come and meet him before the test begins. Did something happened to her.

He immediately went out of his room and starts to find roxanne. He searched the placed where they would enjoy going, he searched her room and places where they used to spend time. But....
'where is she'

He started to panic. Why can't he find her. Where is she. Is she in trouble.

He went to the last place where he thinks she could go. To the library.

He opened the library's door and went in. He searched behind the shelves.
'no one' he then went to the place where they would usually sit and chat for hours.

It was a nice place near the window. Sunlight come through the transparent glass of the window. The table where they sat was now empty.

"She is not here" ashil mumbled under his breath. He was about to leave but then he heard quiet sobs of someone. The sound was coming from under the table where ashil and roxanne used to sit.

He quietly went near the table and bend down to see the person who was crying there. "Rox-roxie" the person under the table was no other than his sister, who was crying quietly under the table.

"Are you okay roxanne! Why are you crying, are you hurt?!" Ashil quickly take her out from under the table. He starts to check her if she was hurt anywhere.

"I am.. hic.. okay" roxanne said rubbing her eyes. Ashil was still worried but he decided to ask her after she calmed down.

Roxanne calmed down after sometime. "Why were you crying" ashil asked while caressing her blond hair. Roxanne looked a bit hesitant but opened her mouth.

"I am scared, i am scared that....that you will not make it out alive,brother" roxanne looked down. A small smile appeared on Ashil's face.

He chuckled lightly. "Don't worry. I'll be fine." He patted her head. Ashil's forehead touched roxanne's forehead. "And don't forget that, i will always be with you"

After he said that, Ashil's figure starts to disappear slowly. The girl's red eyes widen. "Brother!! Brother!!!"


"Ahh"  The girl's red eyes opened in shock. 'again.... Again it's him'. No matter how many time she had dreams about him, she never get used to it.

But there was one strange thing, she could see the fragments of memories of her brother before he died. She could see small parts of his memories.

She could never forget the last moments she spend with her late brother. His smile, his warm hand which patted her head and his sweet voice. She still couldn't believe it, that her brother died.

Knock knock

"Are you up, m'lady" she heard the voice of her personal maid. "Come in , Emily" the maids entered the room with a tray in her hand.

" What is today's schedule" roxanne lifted the glass of water from the tray and bring it to her lips. "Today you have to leave for wigdrasil, m'lady". Roxanne's eyes narrowed.

Finally the day has come, her plan of taking the agriche down begins from now on. It's been three years since she helped cassis escape. And now the destruction of the agriche will take place.

"Prepare my dress" roxanne ordered as she stood up from her bed and headed towards the window. She leaned on the window glass and stared out of the window.

' just a little more and i will take revenge of your death, brother' she shut her eyes tightly. Red butterflies could be seen flying outside the window.


" Hmm, i wonder what morons will be at the gathering" Jeremy smirked "i am looking forward to it~"  Jeremy, who became an adult this year  and was allowed to attend the reconciliation meeting for the first time, was very interested.

As soon as they entered the neutral zone, the first thing roxanne noticed was a stone pillar and a huge gate that resembled a world tree as its name suggests.The moment their carriage passed under it, a strange sensation spread to their body.

"What, now!" Jeremy frowned. His head starts to hurt. His expression shows how confused he was. Seeing the confused blunette, roxanne starts to explain.

"It’s because of the shamans hanging all over the land. Because this is a neutral zone.” wigdrasil was basically prohibited from bringing in weapons, and the use of other unusual abilities was prohibited.

"But this time something feels different, father" roxanne frowned as she look outside the window. Usually Wigdrasil was protected by shamans but this time she could see many soldiers and guards wearing red and blue uniform. Their capes had a symbol on them.
,' i have seen that symbol, but where'

"What is going on" lant brows furrowed as he looked at the guards

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"What is going on" lant brows furrowed as he looked at the guards. "I think someone important is coming in this gathering" roxanne said. She, herself was confused. And the symbol was somewhat familiar to her, she have seen it. But she can't seem to remember where.

She didn't heard that someone important was coming. The carriage finally come to halt. They all came out of the carriage. "Don't forget what you have to do roxanne" lant said as he stare at the marvelous palace in front of him.

"Of course father. But i am a bit tired, so i would like to go to my chamber and rest" roxanne said with a enchanting smile on her face. Anyone who look at the smile could be enchanted by her.

"Fine" lant said plainly. " I'll come to Roxie" Jeremy followed roxanne and walk beside her. She didn't mind it. Instead she was glad, that atleast there was someone who love her except of her mother and bro.....

Roxanne shooked her head lightly.
'i have a feeling that something is going to happen.' with that though roxanne entered the building with Jeremy.

To be continued~

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