Amongst the Stars

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There comes a sense of realization, a peace of mind when the end of the day comes. You see it when the bright vibrant colors of the sky begin to vanish. You see it when the sun shines his last beams of golden sunlight upon the land, marking his last benediction before disappearing behind the horizon. You see it when the moon, that ever eternal pale mistress start to unveil herself amidst wisps of grey clouds. You hear it when crickets, frogs and other nocturnal creatures start to play a symphony; unseen but very much heard. You feel it when a quiet but peaceful serenity starts to unfold. You start to feel it deep within yourself, deep within your bones, within your very blood. 

You look up at the sky, feeling mesmerized by the simple but sheer and vast beauty of the nighttime sky. 

Tiny stars, that once seemed so cold and faraway pieces of diamond, now seem like crystals of light, showing the way to another world, far beyond the world we know and understand. The moon, cradled delicately by wisps of cloud, appears like bold-faced marble against the star strewn azure blanket. 

You hear the quiet symphony of nocturnal creatures all about you, hidden amidst the trees, foliage, and creek; a music far lovelier, far more sweeter than any other music you have ever heard. 

You hear the quiet bubbling music of the creek as the water cascades over rocks and stones, smoothing them with time and water. You bend down and reach to pluck a flower, growing between the crevices of a small boulder. You inhale the sweet scent, made more potent by the nighttime air. 

Twirling the bloom betwixt your fingers, you look up at the sky once more. 

To you, the stars are no longer tiny beams of light. Nor are they crystals or faraway cold pieces of diamond. 

Instead, they are the remnants of the souls who have passed on.

A smile crosses your lips as you think of this, because you know that one day, you will be amongst those stars. 

One day. 

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A Collection of Poetry and Creative Writing Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now