Part 38

56 1 13

"okay everyone is her-" May was cut off because she saw that Bendy, Boris, Cups, Mugs and Felix became animals (Bendy is a dog, Boris is a wolf, Cups is a cat, Mug is a puppy and Felix is a cat)

"what is wrong - oh my goodness" Forest said just getting out of the portal 

"what" said Bendy

"hold on" said May while pulling out a mirror 

"look" May said holding the mirror out for them to see

*as soon as they all looked in the mirror Bendy was surprised, Boris was okay with it, Mugs was very excited, Cups didn't really care too much, Felix was a bit surprised but fine with it*

"*laughter* this is *laughter* amazing *laughter*" Forest said while laughing 

"how are we animals" Bendy said 

"portal magic and I believe the spell doesn't last very long okay" May said

"okay" Bendy said

"*giggling* Boris let's play" Mugs said very excited 

"sure but what ga-" Boris was cut off by Mug tagging him and Mugs running away

"so that is how you want to play alright" Boris said while getting up to chase Mugs

*so they played tag Cups jumped on to the kitchen counter, Felix jumped into his chair, Bendy sat on the couch, May and Forest had to catch what fell after Mugs or Boris ran into the table or self*

"guys how about we go to the park" May said while holding a lot of stuff      

"okay" Mugs said while stopping 

"alright" Boris said while stopping

*after May and Forest put all the stuff back*

"okay now let's all go to the park" May said 

"wait but won't people call animal control" Bendy said worried 

"which is why I made collars for all of you guys okay now get over here" May said 

*After everyone got their collar on* 

"okay so now that everyone has their collar on there is only a few rules okay, first rule is stay near me or Forest when we are walking and stay where me and Forest can see you at the park second rule don't attack anyone at the park okay" May said

"wait but won't people here use talk" Bendy asked 

"nope the reason why me and Forest can understand you all is because we have animal forms" May explained 

"makes sense" Bendy said

"let's go now" Forest said opening the door

*and so they all walked to the park and Bendy, Boris, Mugs, Cups and Felix followed the rules*

"okay we are here now go play" May said 

"come on Boris let's play tag" Mugs said very excited 

"alright but first" Boris said while walking over to Bendy

*Boris then poked Bendy and said "you're it" and then ran off*

*Bendy decided to play and he ran after them*

*Cups sat on a bench* 

*Felix sat at the bottom a tree*

*May and Forest sat on a hill in the grass*   

"so what are we going to do you and I know that this kind of spell can be a bit wired" Forest said 

"I know but let's let them have some fun we have in till the sunsets that is a lot of time" May said

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