Chapter 5: Meet my Ex

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Chapter 5
Meet my Ex

Beam called out loud banging on the door of their washroom which Forth had been occupying for the past one and half hour...

Forth who was having muscle pain after getting thrown off of his bike was lying in the bath tub filled with warm water to relieve the pain...

"Give me 10 minutes..."

"10 more minutes...?Are you kidding me...?Forth Jaturapoom...OPEN THE DOOR THIS INSTANT..."

Forth grunted, annoyed about the whole poster incident that happened yesterday...

To think he had done so much to get the poster done just like it originally was, only to have Beam throw it in the wastebasket...
He thought offended...
Can't be nice around that guy...

"I have to go out too damn it...I'm getting late...What the hell are you doing inside for the past one and half hour...huh...?Are you laying eggs in there...?"
Beam shouted banging some more...

Beam stared straight at Forth who opened the door all of a sudden and stood leaning against the door straight from the shower wearing only a towel that was loosely wrapped around his waist...

Beam gulped involuntarily looking at the almost naked glory infront of him...
The man looked like a freaking Adonis...


Forth asked non-chalantly while crossing his arms across his chest...
"How can I help you...?"
He added with a smirk knowing the effect he had on people...

"What the hell are you playing at...?"
Beam muttered flustered...

Seriously Beam...what the hell is wrong with you...?What kind of thoughts were those...?
He thought to himself...
How much did he work out to achieve this...this...

Beam's eyes traced a wayward drop of water that dripped down his chest into abdomen and disappeared into the towel that was loosely wrapped around his waist...
Lucky droplet...
Beam thought with a sigh...

Man...You really have a type, don't  you Beam...?You are always attracted to world class jerks...

"Well you are the one who wanted me to open the here...I have opened it..."
Forth said in a cocky tone...

"You could have covered yourself up before showing up..."
Beam muttered...

"As you can see I have..."
Forth said smirking making Beam roll his eyes...

This guy...
Beam thought exasperated...

"Anyways...Let me go finish up..."
Forth added before turning...

"You have got to be kidding me..."
Beam said angrily regaining his composure..
"You are still not done yet...?"
He added...
"I have to go somewhere man..."

"I hear you...Since you said that you are going to be late...and I haven't finished yet...You can shower with me..."
Forth said to him and walked inside...

"Are you nuts...?"
Beam hollered from outside...
"How can I...?And how is showering together even an option...?"
He asked exasperated...

"Please...we aren't showering and I can take bath the same time...besides...don't flatter yourself...I don't see you as a guy..."
Forth hollered back to him...

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