Episode 1, A gift

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Dear (Your name)

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Dear (Your name)...

I hope you are well and well, I am very sorry that I can't go to your birthday party...I wish I can go see it but my job keeps me getting away from you, but is alright, next week I am free, now this doll...is a gift from me, I know you love dolls, so I gave this to you, a special one! I hope you like it my dear

Love, Your Father...

As I read the letter that my father gave me, I smile and went to reach the box, and open it to see a doll clown, he seem kinda creepy, {the doll, is in the picture above} but I don't care I just hug it and smile happily, my Father is a hard work person who works in the museum, my mother...she passes away, I sigh and went up to the kitchen meeting my big brother and my older cousin,

"Hello, brother!"

"Hello, my little lightning, how are you?"

"I'm good!" I said giggling
"how is your birthday party?"

"It was fine...I met my friends!"

"Well that's good, now you should go, I and your cousin are going to talk about something very important okay?"

"Okay!" I said walking away from them and heading toward the living room, to meet my friends

"hey Onacho!" I said waving my hand and walking toward her
"Hello, (Your name)...I like the party and the food here..." She said in her beautiful-Dull voice

"I'm glad!!" She notices me holding a doll clown "is that a doll clown you're holding (Your name)?" She asked

"oh, you mean this? Yeah! This is from my dad, it says is special for me.." I said, making her nod

"what's their name?"
"Oh, is a He and I will call him...umm, Is kinda hard tho" I said looking at him

"we'll is creepy and...cute at the same time" she said

"how about Banshee?" I said making her nod her head

"is a very cute and creepy name" she said making me smile widely, then appears Rio

"hey guys!" He said waving his hand, I and Onacho waved back

"hey (Your name) this is a great party, I'm not gonna be a lie" he said, making me smile wider

"Thank you, Rio," I said,
"by the way, what is your dream?" Onacho asked

"We'll, my dream is to become a doll maker!" then...the bullies came

"Haha! Look at that boy wanna be a doll maker what a loser!" He said, making me Tremble "loser!!" "Are you a girl?!" His gang starts to bully me, and my tears are starting to show

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"Haha! Look at that boy wanna be a doll maker what a loser!" He said, making me Tremble
"Are you a girl?!" His gang starts to bully me, and my tears are starting to show

"please stop it, he can do whatever he can, is not your business"

"yeah 'jake' go away" Onacho and Rio stand up for me, and I smile while the bullies just growl at us and walk away

"now that they are gone, let us enjoy the party?" Onacho said, making Rio and I smiled and start to walk towards the food area and play area

Onacho whispered to me something that made my dream come to reality
"You know...one day you will be a success doll maker.."


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