Back with the boys

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When Chris and I got home, it was well past midnight and the house was slient. He quietly locked the door, placing his keys on the side table as he went over to the kitchen, grabbing two cans of Pepsi from the fridge. The fridge light lit up the room, and his figure became a silhouette against the white light. I missed him so much. I walked over, and as he handed me the drink, we walked to his room.
He tossed some blankets on the floor, and sat down, gesturing his bed to me.
"Chris.. you know I don't mind sleeping with you."
My eyes widened as i realised what I had just said.
"I-i mean I don't mind sharing a bed with you."
My face reddened, and Chris started laughing, silent at first, but soon bright red. He struggled for breath, and soon I began to laugh.

Matt, wearing nothing but tartan pyjama bottoms, appeared at the door.
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Oh. Hey Madeline."
I awkwardly smiled. "Hi."
He looked different to when they had left, his jawline more angular, and his bare stomach showing off more prominent muscles. I had noticed this with Chris too. He was more tanned now, and had a better energy about him, just generally seeming happier.
Chris threw matt a shirt, and he quickly put it on, still awkwardly standing by the door. Chris looked annoyed.
"Either go or stay don't stand there like- like a fucking," he struggled for words. "Tree."
Matt snorted, and joined us sitting on the bed. He leant on Chris, and looked up at us.
"Can we watch The Smurfs?"
"Yeah okay," Chris agreed. "That okay Mads?"
"Sure," I shrugged.

It was an hour or so later, and I was half asleep, leant against Chris, and Matt was on the other side stroking Chris's hair. Suddenly, matt screamed out.
"GARRGAMELL!" He leapt further into Chris's arms, and I was suddenly wide awake again. I look beside me to see Chris looking equally as confused as me.
The door opens and Nick comes rushing in, stopping next to the bed.
He breathed in.
"IT. IS." He took another breath. "THREE. IN. THE. FUCKING. MORNING. He stomped. And hi Maddie I missed you."
"Hi Nick," I replied.
"We're watching Smurfs." Matt pointed to the laptop screen.
"Ok. Budge up then."


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