Chapter 3

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Ever since Tsukishima bought coffee for you a couple of days ago, you've noticed that Kageyama is a lot more talkative with you. Well, not a lot more talkative but it's better than nothing right? He's finally warming up to you. It seems you were wrong about your first impressions of the "Quiet Twins" (Tsukishima and Kageyama). Lately when Kageyama talks to you, it's about volleyball which is no surprise but you have felt more comfortable talking about things that happened during the day while he listens intently. It's not as far as to say that you're friends but you have gotten closer to each other. Enough so that you don't have to wake up early to go to school. Thank God it was just a one time thing and now you walk with Kageyama and Hinata every morning and night.

You've gotten quite used to the routine of having friends everywhere you go whether it's class, the gym, or even walking down the halls. You find yourself hoping that nothing changes because you're finally feeling comfortable in this new school. Your day just ended and you're walking over to the gym when you hear a "Y/n!" behind you. You turn around to see Yams and Tsukki (oh yes, you're on a nickname basis now. It's been weeks, after all!) "Hey guys, what's up?", you say with a smile. "We were wondering if you wanted to walk with us to practice. We'll get some drinks at the vending machine beforehand."

"He." says Tsukki with a straight face. You nod and walk with them towards the gym. Before you walk in you each grab something from the vending machine. Tsukki gets water, while you and Yams get energy drinks. You considered getting milk for Kageyama but decided against it. It would be weird if I showed up with something for him and no one else. The three of you enter the gym to see everyone huddled instead of warming up like they usually do. You position yourself next to Kiyoko and the coaches while the boys join the others, "What's going on?" Kiyoko whispers to you, "The Tokyo Training Camp is coming up in a couple of weeks but some of the boys are failing and if they don't pass their finals, they won't be able to go." Training Camp? As if reading your mind, Takeda explains that he was able to get in touch with Coach Nekomata from Nekoma High School and received an invitation to attend the camp. Several schools around the region will be attending and it'll be a good chance to play against them. You look around and see almost everyone's eyes glistening from excitement as he explains.

"However, some of our team members don't have good enough grades to attend. Four of you are failing and if you don't pass your finals coming up, you can't come with us. Those four are Tanaka, Nishinoya, Kageyama, and Hinata." Immediately, you see their expressions sink as their bodies lose strength and fall to the ground. Man, these guys are dramatic. You think to yourself as you stare at them sobbing and cursing under their breaths. As usual, Daichi steps up and tries to lift their spirits, "Hey guys, c'mon. We have time before finals so we can tutor you to raise your grades up. Who can volunteer to tutor them? Anyone?" Ennoshita raises his hand, "I can tutor the second years. You can come over later today." Daichi nods, "Okay, who's got the first years?" Hinata and Yamaguchi look up at Tsukki while Kageyama continues throwing his fit. Tsukki shakes his head and you can see the tears forming in his eyes. "Tsukishima pleaseeeeee. We have to go to the training camp. Please, please tutor us." Even Yams has a pleading look on his face but he won't budge, "No. You idiots are terrible students. I'm not spending my free time tutoring you." Daichi sighs and the rest of the team look disappointed. You feel really bad but you can't do any... wait, a second. "Um, guys... I wouldn't mind tutoring you." Hinata smiles and jumps to his feet, "REALLY?" You nod and see that Kageyama is finally off the floor but you can't tell what expression he has on his face. His eyes look very hopeful but he has a half smile that's not endearing, just creepy. "We can meet during lunches and on weekends. I'll head over to your classroom tomorrow."

With that, the anxiety about the training camp became excitement and the boys began preparing for practice. You felt a tap on your shoulder as you watched them. When you turned around you saw Sugawara, "Oh hello, senpai," you said with a smile. He smiled back and said "Thank you for offering to tutor Kageyama and Hinata. I know they won't be easy students but we need them to go to the camp." You nodded and he patted your back as he went to join his teammates. Sugawara senpai is so kind. I wish I knew the third years better but it's so hard to talk to them. I mean what do you even talk about? I can't possibly handle another volleyball conversation.

Practice went by quickly and ended fairly early for the second years to start studying. You went on your usual walk home with Hinata and Kageyama and questioned what they needed from you as a tutor. "What do you guys struggle with in classes?" Hinata went first, "Well, I have a pretty hard time with English. It just doesn't make much sense to me so I usually fall asleep during class... To be honest, I'm not sure what we even learned today." You shook your head but tried your best not to look too defeated already. "Okay. We can work on what you need to learn but you have to promise to stay up during classes from now on." He nodded, "Deal! Um... I'll try. Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow." You and Kageyama continued walking and you nudged his ribs with your elbow to get him to answer your question. He shrugged, "I'm failing literature. I don't know what the problem is but I'm not falling asleep in class like that idiot. Most of the time." You begin to see your house in the view and sigh, "You have the same rule as Hinata. No falling asleep in class. I'll see you tomorrow morning but I'll also stop by your classroom for lunch." He nodded and you walked onto the sidewalk leading up to your house, "Goodnight, Kageyama." He waved and continued his journey.

The next day, just as you promised, you went to Class 1-3 for lunch. "Hi, y/n!" Hinata greets you with his usual bright smile as Kageyama nods at you. Ah, Kageyama will never change, will he? You sit next to them and get settled before asking them to take some practice exams you prepared for each of them. They groan but you can tell they're grateful that you're helping them. You enjoy the sushi you brought from home while they take their exams and think about the schedule for the week. Today is Wednesday so they'll take these practice exams, then tomorrow and Friday I'll teach the information they've missed, then Saturday they can come over for a couple of hours and we'll go over any mistakes they've made. But, of course, this schedule depends on whatever they need to learn. Kageyama clears his throat, interrupting your thoughts, and they pass you their practice exams. However, they did at the same time so you have a feeling that this made this a stupid competition and probably didn't do the best. You look over the exams and notice that Hinata's English is pretty good; he just has some words spelled incorrectly or put in the wrong place. He needs to take more time while taking his exams and focusing. On the other hand, Kageyama has trouble with the concept and needs help remembering what goes where. "Okay. I know what each of you need now and I'll work on preparing for the rest of the week. Hinata, tomorrow and Friday we'll look at what you've missed from this class so we don't skip over anything. Same for you, Kageyama, but I want you to take note of important points in the text. Got it?" They nod and thank you again for helping them. You all continue your lunch and talk about what to expect from the training camp. You've been enjoying yourself with your new friends so much that you didn't even realize yourself getting excited for this camp coming up. You aren't sure why, but you know it's probably nothing.

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