Chapter 5

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Your body feels like it's deteriorating. Today, you woke up an hour early again to avoid walking alongside Hinata and Kageyama despite the fact that you haven't slept well since the incident. You sit in class as the scenes that transpired with Kageyama keep replaying in your head. "You're too close. You're too close. You're too close." You take notes without understanding their meaning while your face grows hot from the embarrassment of hearing these words. Stupid Kageyama. Why would he say that to me? We were doing so good and now I can't even look at him. Ugh, today I have to check their exams. The lunch bell distracts you from your thoughts and Yachi quickly moves her desk closer to yours, like she always does, to eat. Today, Yams and Tsukki decide to bless you with their presence but as they sit down, you realize that you forgot to pack lunch. "I'" you whine as your friends stare at you. Yachi offers half of her turkey sandwich and you graciously accept but decide to grab a snack at the vending machine before class starts again. "I'll be right back!"

You head out of the classroom and walk towards the vending machine. The closest one to you is 4 classes down at the end of the hall which means you have to pass by Kageyama's class without the Orange Wonder noticing you. You quickly walk past Class 1-3, keeping your eyes forward to avoid being called out to but, of course, as you get closer to the vending machine you see a familiar black-haired figure buying a carton of milk. Are you kidding me? You stop in your tracks, unable to move your body and fidget trying to think of what to do. Should I turn around so he won't recognize me? Or I could just look down. Or I could just run. What do I- Before you decide, Kageyama turns around and immediately recognizes you. His body visibly twitches along with yours after making eye contact and both of you direct your gazes at your shoes. You consider saying something but instead, Kageyama begins walking away without acknowledging you. As he passes by, your eyes widen but stay on the floor. He's just going to act like I don't exist? You feel your eyes start burning again so you turn on your heels and quickly walk past him to the bathroom on the other end of the hall. Kageyama notices that you're the one who rushed past him and opens his mouth to say something while almost reaching out to you. He decides against it. You continue your beeline for the bathroom when Hinata sadly greets you. "Hinata? What's wrong?" You wipe your embarrassing tears hoping that if you help your friend, it'll distract you from your problems.

Hinata looks up at you and immediately notices your puffy eyes, "Wait. Y/n, what's wrong with you?" You don't say anything but Kageyama walks by both of you into his classroom without a word. Hinata looks between both of you and wonders what could have happened but doesn't press you about it - he'll ask Kageyama later. "Y/n, I'm sorry to tell you this especially if you're having a bad day but we didn't pass our exams." You involuntarily gasp, "Wait, what? But you were both ready!" He shakes his head, "I don't know what happened but we can talk about it later. You should enjoy your lunch." He pats your shoulder and makes his way into his classroom. You slowly walk back to your own class after an emotionally exhausting lunch period.You sit down for your last 5 minutes of lunch and Tsukki notices that you didn't get anything from the vending machine and instead came back with red eyes. You can tell by the way they're staring that your friends are worried about you and you reassure them with an "I'm just really tired."

The rest of the day you create a plan to make sure the boys pass their exams in a way where you don't have to be around Kageyama. Once practice begins, it is clear to you why they failed. Hinata got distracted and paired correct answers with all the wrong questions. Kageyama, on the other hand, wasn't prepared for the literature section and only focused on writing although his kanji was perfect. How utterly depressing that they were both so close. The team huddles up to discuss how to get them to the training camp. This time, however, you have a prepared pitch. "Okay guys, here's my idea: What if we break down the exams into different subjects that we each teach. I can take English, Ennoshita-senpai can do Math, Tsukki can do Literature, and so on. We can tackle tutoring all at once and split the time evenly among everyone so they have everything they need. We can give them practice tests and grade them and by Saturday they'll be sure to pass!" When you finish your speech you look around at the team for some kind of response but everyone (except Tsukishima) just smiles at you. "What?", you ask with the confusion written all over your face. "It's just really nice that you prepared that plan for us, y/n", Daichi beams at you. You blink, still confused. Sugawara nods, "I thought so too. Thank you for being so devoted to our team, Miss Manager!" Your face starts to burn up as you finally realize that their smiles were expressions of pride and gratitude for you. "Oh, y/n, you're so awesome!" Tanaka shoots a thumbs up your way and Nishinoya agrees enthusiastically, "MHMM!"

"Okay, great! Let's meet up for an hour daily after practice and each of us can take 20 minutes to teach." Hinata and Kageyama nod their heads expressing thanks. "Wait, Tsukishima, are you okay with this? I thought you said no the first time." The whole team turns to Tsukki after hearing Suga's concerns. "Whatever, I guess I can spare some time but I'm teaching first so I can go home early." You smile. Thank God he said yes I didn't know what I was going to do otherwise. As everyone starts heading out to begin practice, Kageyama hears something he'd wish he didn't. "Hey man, do you think Tsukishima has the hots for y/n and that's why he said yes to tutoring?" Nishinoya's girl-crazed mind couldn't think of any other explanation for Tsukishima's change of heart. Meanwhile, Tanaka confidently replies with, "Duh." Kageyama instantly feels his anger building up and feels his hands ball into fists. This is no time to get distracted. The training camp is coming up and then we'll play against Oikawa again. I have to stay focused. She is just a distraction. He tries his best to keep you out of his mind but it obviously doesn't happen.

Towards the end of practice, everyone can tell that Kageyama is off his game today. Coach Ukai decides to work on some formations with Sugawara and asks Kageyama to take a break, making him even more upset. Naturally, Tsukishima had to push even more buttons and comment. "Looks like the King isn't so hot today. I wonder what's got him in such a bind." Tsukishima is not stupid. Tsukishima knows that there is something between you two. He is one for free entertainment and bullying Kageyama. You can see his face turning red as he tries to control his anger and stomps off of the court. I would help him but I don't exist so whatever. Kageyama steps out of the gym into the night air and tries to take deep breaths. He's never felt this frustrated before and he doesn't know how to handle it. Why won't she get out of my head? She's distracting me no matter what and now this with Tsukishima? I'll kill him. I wish she didn't come into my life and change everything. I don't know anything anymore. "Wait. Maybe if I talk to her and apologize for what happened the other day I won't think about her anymore. Yeah, I just feel bad that it's awkward. Yeah, that's it. Wait, how do I apologize?"

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