Chapter One: School Is Boring, Why Do I Have To Go To School?

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"Kit-Kat, come on, go to bed already! It's almost twelve!" I groaned and logged off my lap top.

"Good, now bed, you're going to school tomorrow"

I pouted, "But I don't want to go to school! School is boring, why do I even have to go to school?!" I whined.

My dad chuckled, "Because, it's law"

I rolled my eyes, "I can alway's tell the law to-" "LA LA LA, I'm not listening! Bed. Now!" he order's.

I rolled my eyes and climbed into my bed and pulled the cover's over myself, "Night dad" I yawned.

"Night baby girl" and he turned off the light switch.

I waited a few moment's before pulling my diary out from under my pillow, (It's suppose to help me with my writing and reading) and started to write in it.


It's already been a week since i've moved here, and yet, I haven't even left the house... i'm so anti-social. I have painted my room though, and plastered photo's, band poster's to drawing's and post card's from friend's on there.

I remember reading a email from Missy, it took me around twenty minutes, but I did it.

It said, To Kitty,

It's so boring here with you! Call me soon love, we'll have to sky-pe soon! 

Dan's being a right prat, he's up set 'bout you leaving love!

Told you he love's you! 

Ha ha, well, talk to you soon!

Bye love, Missy xx

She still think's Dan's got a crush on me, which is funny because he's only a brother to me. My seventeenth birthday is ten month's away! Can you believe it?!

Well that's it, night diary.

- Caitlin


I heard my alarm went of and I groaned, before rolling out of bed and then quickly ran into my bathroom and showered, "Na Na Na Na Na, I forgot the lyrics!" I sang and washed the shampoo out of my hair and then stepped out of the shower and went to my wardrobe.

I pulled out some white ripped jean's and pulled them on, my red Spider man shirt, then I slipped on my red Converse, put my 'GRRR' necklace on, put my button earrings in and then put my belt on. 

I looked at my mirror, meh, i'm not going to straighten my hair. First, i'm to lazy to un-pack and find my hair straightening, second, I just told you I was lazy. So I don't really need to repeat that.

I walked out of my room and down the stiar's, and found Tim Tam in the kitchen with dad reading the morning paper, "Morning"

"Morning" the boy's said in perfect sync.

"Don't forget your wallet, phone, iPod, they're in your bag"

"Thank's daddy" I kissed his cheek.

"No problem Kiddo, would you be able to pick Timmy up after school?"

"It'd be my honor" I sat down and bit into my toast. I sipped my tea, and then we were off. Dad dropped Tim Tam off first, then it was my turn.

We arrived and I shifted nervously in my seat, "Dad, what if no one like's me?"

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