Chapter Two: Isolated

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I walked into school, looking out my phone as I tried to play pacman on it, I stop, noticing I haven't even bumped into anyone, at all, I looked up and noticed a large circle around me.

"What the...?" I looked around me, people ignored me. I walked over to a girl and tapped her shoulder, I mean... do I have the zombie virus or something?!

"Hello?" she turn's, her eyes widened and she quickly scurried away, "Who'd I set on fire this time?!" I yelled, yet everyone ignored me. I bit my lip, okay... think. You haven't offended their kind- I mean president? 

Bo-Bama, wasn't it? 

No, it was Obama, now... have I done anything like that?! A girl roughly shoves me into a locker and she growl's at me, like a full on growl's, "Woah honey" I sassed her, she roll's her eyes and stomps away.

I don't have my munchness like I did yesterday. I may have taken some medication.. which may not have been made for me- but i'm fine! Fine, fine, fine - oh, a butterfly. PRETTY! Hey, a book. Nope, wait - is that a llama?! Chicken feet. Quidditch. Sparkles. WHERE IS PETER PAN MOTHER FUCKER'S.

I walked into class and sat at the back, and continued playing pacman, the whole lesson, the teacher ignoring me as I played on my phone, I did crack a joke every so often, to which people chuckled at so I know that i'm not totally invisible.

It's like no one is allowed to talk to me, but they can laugh at what I say and are just plain ass holes. 

Walking outside, completely annoyed with everyone ignoring me physically, I plopped down on a picnic table and ignored everyone, fucking peasants.

"Hi" I looked up and stared at the guy... Mr. Sparrow.... he he, Jack Sparrow - off topic here.

"Ello, well it look's like i'm not a figment of someone's imagination after all, I guess i'm a real persona with feelings"

".... That doesn't make sense" he stares at me with a slight frown and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Whatever man, listen, do you know why no one's talking to me?"

"I don't-"

"Did I offend your president or something?! 'Cause honestly, I feel like someone who's just been marked as a freak... to which if you think about, I am - but this is off topic, did I ignore a law or something? Or is there a sign on my back that I don't know about?! What about -"

"You aren't a freak" he snaps.

I raised an eye brow at him, what the - has he met me?!

"... Yeah, well, I gotta go and try to fit myself in my locker, bye!"

I hurried away from the weird guy, honestly, he screamed 'BADASS', something that make's me internally scream, 'HIT HIM WITH A STICK' or something. Oh, and the fact that he somehow thinks i'm not  a 'freak', honey, you are either blind because I know that I am, so that either makes him delusion or an idiot...

Let's go with delusion.

Or maybe the idiot - I should take some more pills before I flip out and attack the Gorilla over there - no... what... why's a Gorilla in school?!


I sat on my desk, staring at the drawing in my book, if I tuck this in, angled my arm and head this way... I should be able to fit in. I looked at it from an angle, yeah, I should be able to do it.

Standing and gathering my gear I walked out of the empty classroom and walked towards my locker, "Hey Caitlin"

I stopped and stared at random kid, "Hello, random citizen?" I stared at him in confusion, am I suddenly a real person?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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