Chapter 26.

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//CHAPTER 26: The Bucket list\\

A/N: YAY FOR 1.5K AND 107 VOTES :D honestly so happy, I only started this book jus over a week ago! This is so exciting, and so much good feedback! Just thank you all!!
Without further ado, here is the next chapter ;D

The drive home was silent, except for the slight deep breath I took every now and again to keep from breaking. My tears slowly rolled down my cheeks as we drove. 'Why me?' I thought. Life hates me, I'm one of those people life wants to get rid of. First Dad, then Mum... Now this. Dad could have killed me if he wanted, I almost did. So many times, I hoped the pain would just go away. Whether he ended it or I did. I sat in the car across from Mark thinking about this, no flashbacks, yet. The tears on my cheeks were drying up and I could feel the familiar sting of more coming to my eyes. I thought it was just a headache. But no, it was fucking cancer. Life loves to ruin everything! 'Thank you so much for blessing me with this!' I thought sarcastically.
We finally arrived at the apartment after a long drive from the hospital, I couldn't wait to sleep in a comfortable bed. I got out of the car and the chilly breeze hit me. I shivered and Mark rushed over wrapping me in his arms before we started our walk to the door. We made our way inside, up the stairs and to our rooms.
"Do you want to stay with me tonight? Or do you need some space..." He asked concerned.
"Can I stay with you?" I asked, even though he asked me to stay.
"Of course, come in. Do you need something to sleep in?" He asked once I had walked in. I nodded to him, thankful for the kindness he showed me. I changed into the shirt he gave me which was baggy and hung low enough not to need shorts. I got into his bed and he joined me, placing an arm around me and whispering
"Goodnight (y/n)"
"Goodnight" I replied. "Mark... Did you tell me you loved me in the ambulance van?" I had to make sure my mind hadn't created that memory.
"I didn't think you could hear me..." He mumbled. I giggled quietly.
"Well I could", I replied and gave him a small kiss on the lips before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

...Next Morning...

I woke up, completely tired. All this stress has taken its toll. Mark rolled over to face me and smiled. I managed a small smile back to show him I'm okay, even if I really wasn't.
"Morning", he said, his morning voice slightly croaky sounding. I found it a little funny.
"Morning", I replied quietly before pulling the covers up over me. He sat up and got out the bed stretching his arms and yawning loudly.
"Cmon sleepy head, time to get up", I rolled over and hid under the covers. I had no intention of getting up, all my strength was gone after the last few days. You think the constant sleeping would wake me up... But apparently not.
"I'm not getting up", I replied. I heard him whine slightly which made me giggle, I could tell he was trying to make me laugh but I wasn't changing my mind.
"Why not?", he whined, I rolled onto my back and saw him pouting at me.
"What's the point?" I said to him, showing no sign of humour in my voice. "I could die any time from this..." I finished. He sighed and sat next to me on the bed.
"Sit up", was all he said, I did as he said and he pulled me into him. "You are strong, I know you will be able to get through this", he quietly spoke to me.
"What if I don't?" I teared up.
"Don't say that", his voice turned stern and I became silent. "It will be alright, it has to be", he finished his voice softer than it was moments ago.

I refused to let her believe that she couldn't beat this. She is a fighter, a brave warrior that could defeat this. I know she can. I sat with her for a few minutes, I had to get her up and out of here. Take her mind away from everything, make her happy. Her happiness is all I want, if she is happy I'm happy. 'I love her', I thought. I knew she loved me too, she told me. She heard me say I loved her in the ambulance vehicle. 'Get her up and go somewhere' my conscience egged me on. I stood up and pulled her up with me much to her disgust.
"Noooo..." She whined.
"Look who is whining now", I smirked. "Now get dressed, we are going for breakfast" I told her, I knew if I asked her she would decline so stating what would happen was the better option. She sighed and walked to the front door. "Where are you going?" I asked, 'is she going to her room to go back to bed or something?!'
"I'm going to get some clothes?" She told me like it was completely obvious. 'Oh right, I'm an idiot', I nodded and she left the room. I put on some comfy jeans and a black t-shirt. Comfortable clothing is the best. I walked outside and waited for (y/n). About two minutes later she came out in a pair of skinny jeans and a red tank top. She looked casual and cute at the same time, but her eyes supported dark rings and her face was paler than it usually is. We descended the stairs in silence until we reached the ground floor.
"Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked me. I hadn't actually thought about it...
"Um... Well, I don't know?" I mumbled.
"You pulled me out of bed to take me out and you didn't even have a plan?" She laughed, I was glad to see she wasn't completely humourless or totally stressed from everything... Or she just hides it well.
"Let's just go to your work, you know how much I love those chocolate and berry muffins", I winked at her and (y/n) didn't reject the offer. Normally she would but she didn't today for some reason. We arrived a few minutes later after walking down the street, after we walked in (y/n) excused herself to go talk to one of the workers while I sat down. I recognised the lady she spoke to as the one who served me the day I asked (y/n) to be my girlfriend. It seemed so long ago but it was only just over a week ago. (Y/n) walked back over and sat next to me.
"I just told her what happened and that I won't be able to work for a while..." She told me sighing after. 'I see why she didn't reject coming here now'.
"I'm sorry... Do you want to go?" I asked her cautiously, I didn't want her getting upset about it, I hated seeing her upset.
"It's okay, I already ordered coffee..." She started, taking a deep breath "and muffins", she finished. Smiling at me and I took her hand in mine, silently thanking her. An idea suddenly hit me.
"Hey, I have an idea" I stated. She narrowed her eyes at me and asked me to continue. "What if we made a bucket list? Like to keep your mind off all this stress?" I suggested, (y/n) just smiled and nodded. She went to the front counter to ask to borrow a pen and paper and came back and sat next to me.
"Let's start... Number one", she wrote down, I grinned and we started our list.

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