Meeting The Gang 2017

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·You have just moved to Derry

·It was the last week of school but sadly your parents still made you go.

·As you made your way to your class you couldn't help to notice you were being followed by a tall lanky boy.

·"Well who do we have here...fresh meat?" The boy said as he pulled you back from your handle on your bag to get a closer look at you.

·The bell had rang. You thought you were saved because of the next class was starting. Surely he'd go to his next class.

·You were wrong and he kept you from going to your class.

·The boy then brought you to a group of three other boys. They greeted you and you found out they were Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, Reginald "Belch" Huggins, and lastly the tree with black hair said his name was Patrick Hockstetter.

·Henry then said that there wasn't any point of going to the current class and that you could hang with them if you wanted.

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