Prologue - The Origins of Thomas Innes Lamont ( scrapped starting point )

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This was my original start up of this story, but times have changed and I will just have this posted to show you if I've grown from a year ago :D!!
(i also grew a bit attached to this, so- a win-win situation right here peeps-)
You can also totally ignore this if you want to, but I'd like to ask for your feedback (preferably nice/considerate ones) about my writing :D!)

Thomas Innes was born around the start of the renaissance era (isn't that a big fat lie), he has no idea what year he was born. But he suspects he's around 16-17 years old.

He helps around his village and works as hard as he can to get food. He has no family, but the villagers treat him well enough and offer him some jobs for food.

It all changed when a higher-up, for some reason, came to the village he resided in and accused him of stealing their valuables.

He didn't do such thing, but knowing that time, he was publicly executed as commoners didn't have much rights, if not no rights at all.

Luckily, his executioner was a professional, so he didn't suffer much. For the most of his life, he was working, so he didn't have much of a life to flash in the last few seconds he was alive.

There was his head, on the ground, apart from his body that laid on a wooden surface.

He closed his eyes, unsure what to feel about this, unsure what to feel about his death. Most people say your life flashes before your eyes, but that didn't fucking happen to Thomas. He didn't have much of life despite being young, but then again no one really did have life in this time.

He was just there, just dying while some of the crowd were cheering and a few others were in a type of despair.

Thomas Innes Lamont wasn't his actual name, it was just a name he came up with so people don't question him too much. But there's one thing for sure, people fucking suck.

Like sure, that was fucking random, but don't y'all agree with that shit? But anyways, back to the story.

Thomas was so sure that he was dead, that he was gonna be in afterlife (if there actually is one), but when he opened his eyes, all he saw was a black void and he was also floating in the very same void of nothingness.

There he was, in his own limbo of some sort. He was unsure why he was here. But that question was answer when a figure of a woman came into his vision.

The supposed woman was wearing a black dress and a black hat with a veil covering her face from him. She had long brown hair and her eyes looking like a type of purple.

And when she spoke, her voice echoed in the void but she sounded so angelic and kindness seeped through her voice.

"Hello, dear child." Her voice loud and rumbling, echoing a bit. "Your time has finally come, now please take my hand." Kindness showing in her uniquely coloured eyes as she took her hand out to take his, oh how wrong was she was about it being his time.

Thomas was in a lost of words, but still took her hand that offered to be held by his. She turned and began to walk, so he walked as well.

They walked for quite awhile, in complete silence. And suddenly, a light had shown in front of them, shining so brightly.


TWC (total word count): 624 words

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