Trick Shot (Crosshair x Reader)

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Contains lots of droid violence, but nothing more violent than that. Don't read this to AZI. Also, this ended up really kriffing long; don't expect the next to be as long as this one... I got carried away, eheh...


His steady breaths reverberated within his helmet, one eye squeezed shut behind his visor while the other looked down the scope of his blaster rifle. The scope zoomed and enhanced on your form below, who was caught within a group of battle droids. You were wielding your blaster and knife combo wildly, shooting one droid in the chest and slashing your knife through another droid's head simutanelously.

"I could use some help down here!" came your voice through Crosshair's comm link.

"Y/N, don't move from your position. Assistance is arriving shortly," Tech's voice said through everyone's comms.

Crosshair inhaled deeply, a few reflective glints of light from below providing a signal for him. To add extra reassurance, he spotted Tech giving him a thumbs up. Crosshair needed to see nothing more, aiming confidently at a small mirror positioned on the bark of a tree below. He gently squeezed the trigger, a single blast releasing from his blaster.

The shot hit his target with ease, bouncing off the reflective surface and soaring through the bodies of multiple droids before reaching another mirror. It ricocheted across several mirrors, mowing down a large majority of the droids around you. You froze in surprise, now only a trio of droids approaching you. With ease, you sent a blast through each of their heads, then tried to look for your rescuer.

Crosshair pulled himself up from his stomach to his feet, then slid down the slope of the hill to the ground. You spotted him, giving him a large grin. "Nice shot, Crosshair," you complimented as he approached you.

However, a scoff was what echoed through his helmet in response. "Your shooting was sloppy," he nitpicked, holding his blaster rifle against his chest.

You frowned, sliding your knife into its sheath and holstering your blaster. Your hands settled on your hips. "Hey, I held my own, didn't I?"

You could almost see Crosshair's eyes narrow within his helmet. "Hardly," he deadpanned.

"Cut the flirting, you two," Echo's voice came through both of your comms as you both looked at your wrists as the same time. "The ship is surrounded in clankers right now."

"We could use all the help we can get over here," Hunter added past the sounds of blaster fire on the other end.

"We'll be right over," you assured them, then returning your gaze to Crosshair. "Ready?" you asked him. He stiffly nodded and the two of you dashed side by side through the trees. It was just you, Crosshair, and the trees as near silence came over you, with only the sounds of both of your breathing and footsteps to interupt it. 

You couldn't help but feel a sliver of jealousy to see your companion was pulling ahead of you, thanks to him being a clone. Naturally being bred to be a soldier made practically everyone on your team effortlessly faster than you. However, after he glanced over his shoulder at you, he slowed his pace a bit to match yours. You gave him a sidelong smile, but to your disappointment, his helmet shielded any expression he may have had in response.

The two of you entered a clearing, which was the best way you could describe the area, despite it being far from clear. Battle droids were firing towards the Marauder, and surely the Bad Batchers defending it as well. However, the unsuspecting droids seemed unaware of your and Crosshair's presence behind them. Neither of you even had to say a word to know what to do. 

You had made it through a good ten droids before they even began noticing they were being picked off from behind. Feeling more comfortable with your knife, you took to slashing through the droid's necks, severing them at their weakest point. Your blaster stayed in its holster. Between you and Crosshair clearing a path through from the back, and the others fending off the front, soon the clearing was littered with droid bodies. You stepped carefully over several as you came up to the ship, seeing Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker already waiting there for you.

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