A Month Before

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There was this girl named Ashley Parker and she was new to school and She was a too goody two shoes with A+ and the teachers loved her and the teachers hated us. So we started to hate her but she didn't know it so we invited her to our group and took her to a slaughter house as a initiation to the group, to scare her. We told her she has to spend the night there so she did, little did we know it was a occupied to a cereal killer and he thought she was one of the little girls he was going to kill.But she escaped in time but she was mad at us so we knew she was going to tell so we planned a scheme to kidnap her while she was walking home from the accident and we got a sac and blind fold and put her to sleep then blindfold her and put her in the sac.But our work wasn't finished so we took her to a sound proof Abandon house that took us 4 hours to drive but we kept crashing because Bella CAN'T drive, so i took the wheel and and somehow the cops thought I was 18 even though I was 16 so he let us go. So we were on our way to the house then ashley woke up Hungry so we fed her a cactus burger.
"Are we there yet"Piper said
"Almost there just 15 more minutes"I said
So when we approached the house we got in took Ashley inside and tied her to a chair.When she woke up we took her blindfold off.
"Where am I?"She said "Hey guys are you guys planning a Surprise Birthday for me Because today is my birthday."
"No but we have a good present for you" brookezilla5 said
We all surrounded her with a knife in our hands bout to stab her to death like Caesar was.
"I am scared, HELP HELP HELP HELP"she said
"Sorry this room is sound proof"KelseyWeldon said
So she cried while we stabbed her while we play spin the bottle to she who gets to stab her, the order was 1)CarsonWritingbros
4) Bellanever_girl1023
8)Brooke Pbrookezilla5
9)Brooke SShellsandcheesesage 10)April lil_squirrel_25
Once we finished stabbing her we threw her in the suer. 3 weeks later the cops found her in the suer and they couldn't find any further Intel so they close the case.So every Friday since that day we celebrate our Accomplishment.

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