At 4 O'Clock sharp we all called via video chat.
"Hey guess what day it is our 1 year anniversary that we successfully killed somebody and Got away with it."I said
"Oh yeah I forgot about that I hated Ashley"Piper said
So the lights flicker on and off, on and off, on and off.
"That was weird what happened"Bella Said
All of a sudden there was a 13 buddy chat we all heard
"Your all gonna pay,Your all gonna pay,Your all gonna pay, With your lives" Said a Erie voice but we screamed our butts off even Gunner Sound like our screams.Then it left.
Then we kept on chatting about this new movie we are going to watch next "Annabelle Returns"
5:00 pm
Then all of a Sudden we saw the third chat came back on with a image of Ashley and a wall of Blood saying
"Your first Carson, Your First, Say goodbye before its too late". we all got scared then we looked at our arms it started bleeding we all looked on our wall and spotted a message saying how she would end our life.Since Carson was first he Got the Brutal one being a Piñata she slit his throat and hung him but he was still alive.Then some kids came up to him with a Bat and hit him to death while he said
"Im sorry,Im sorry,Im sorry,Please forgive me"
Then Ashley said there is a Count down every hour she would come back and kill the next person.The order is
4) Bellanever_girl1023
8)Brooke Pbrookezilla5
9)Brooke SShellsandcheesesage 10)April lil_squirrel_25
And if someone leaves she kills them no matter what.So we remembered the list in order.and Julie was next so she said her good byes and wait for her punishment.
"Well guys it was good knowing you.I wish I could have a longer time knowing you.I just got a text from Ashley saying "5:59 Your death is Being picked up by demon angels and torn Apart."
Omfg that will be scary to watch we all cried in sorrow saying our goodbyes.
" 5,4,3,2,1"she said saying her last ever word before she died
"Omg,Omg,Omg,Omg I cant look but I cant look away its so sad omg did she just get hung on the electrical wire."
"I'm more scared then ever what should we do?"Lindsey said
"We should calm down and figure thing out while we embraced this moment since I am going to die
Thirteenth chat came back now 10th chat
" Its not 7:00 yet I still have time why so early"I said with tears in my eyes
"Now you know how it feels to die and lose the ones you love.But to say this everybody you have 10 hours to make it up to me and I will bring you all back to life before it was too late 48 hours till you'll be dead forever like me."Ash said
"Ash why couldn't you come back to life didn't you have a choice?"Emani said "How can we make it up to you"
"You can do something to impress me idk your choice"Ash said
Bria Your death is ...............
Like the Book already Were you looking to see what happen tune into the next chapter.